
Karun Dambiec karun at
Mon Oct 29 15:41:34 EST 2001

Ive just finished talking to the Chief Architet from Transact when he 
came to talk to my cisco networking class. They are planning to offer a 
peer to peer network for free where people have a ip like 10.x.x.x The 
main reason why isps charge about $30 a month for 300mb is that telstra 
charges them about 10-15 cents a MB. Transact is thinking of possibly 
going to get an international link established which isps can use 
instead of telstra. There is going to be regional links in Australia first.

Transact has slowed down the rollout, due to an unexpected number of 
customers signing up and they need to connect the customers. About 
15-25% of people are using their broadband services in Canberra Areas 
where they've rolled out. The national average for adopting broadband is 
1.5% If anybody has any more questions about Transact, please email me.

Karun Dambiec
karun at

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