Location of rsyncable linux kernel trees

Brett Worth brettw at cray.com.au
Fri Oct 19 22:25:08 EST 2001

My kernel is currently at version 2.4.10 and last night I fixed an apm
problem by copying the apm.c file from another machine which is at 2.4.12.
It looks as though the problem may have happened back at 2.4.9 with a
failed patch.

The tree I'm using started out as 2.4.2 and has had the patches applied
from there to 2.4.10.  What I'd like to do is verify that what I have is a
true reflection of the 2.4.10 source tree without having to ftp an entire
kernel through my 28.8K modem.

How should I approach this?  Is there somewhere on the web that I could
find an unpacked version of the sources (at various revisions) that I
could do an rsync to?  Is there a correct way to validate the sources?


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 Cray Australia.
 brettw at cray.com +61 2 6295 4023

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