X11 for Windows

Andrew Pollock andrew at andrew.net.au
Sat Oct 13 14:32:32 EST 2001

On 12.10.2001 at 14:30:22, <Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am currently running a couple of boxen from WinNT using 
> Exceed, which is pretty horrible compared to XFree86 (both for 
> performance and ease of use).
> Anyone recommend any non-sucky X11 servers for Win32?
> Antti
> (yes, I know I could fdisk the box, but that's really not an option)

I'm using the XFree86 port to Cygwin. I'm only using it so I can query a display
manager session on my Linux box from my Windows 2000 box, I'm not using to run
an X session locally, but it works quite well for the purpose I'm using it


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