Mac CDROM read problem

Brett Worth brettw at
Tue Oct 9 19:01:34 EST 2001

I've been handed a CDROM which was created on a Mac.  It will mount as
iso9660 but the filenames contain all sorts of bad characters including
"/"s which break things altogether.

I've compiled hfs support into my kernel but I dont think that's going to
help.  Its definitely mounting under iso9660.

So my question is "How can I copy the files off this CDROM?".  Is there
something I've missed in the mount options?  What I need is a
"copy_special" function in perl which can have a strange filename as a
source name.  I guess the problem is that namei cant stand slashes. No?


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 /_)/</= / / (_(_/()/< ///

 Cray Australia.
 brettw at +61 2 6295 4023

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