
bert bpolk78=asdas at bigpond.com
Tue Oct 9 17:38:00 EST 2001

I've been running squid successfully as a non-transparent for a long time.  I just set iptables to forward port 80 to 3128, which it seems to do OK.  The problem is that squid is not getting the correct URL.  If it point my browser to http.www.bigpond.com (or any address) squid tells me that "/" is not a valid address.  The logs say it is receiving a request for GET / - NONE/- -.  WHATS GOING WRONG?  I've looked through squids conf and can't find any relevent options.  
Then I read something about squid not working well with ipfilter, so I tried to use transproxy, a proggy that resirects to squid in a way that is supposed to work.  If I set it up to direct from 81 to 3128(squid) and iptables 80->81like the manual for trans proxy says, squid receives all the address wil :81 appended to the domain. 
I've also tried the forwarding a couple of differrent ways, to no avail.  If anyone could help me get this working I would be most appreciative.

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