peer-to-peer on transact (kinda)

andrew at andrew at
Fri Nov 30 11:33:16 EST 2001

Even though transact haven't got their peer-to-peer stuff up and running
yet, it seems that those transact customers who choose webone as an isp
can talk to each other for free anyway.

This quote direct from an email sent to all transact customers (in a
section "webone answers your questions"):
Q. Can clients using TransACT broadband share data between each other
without being charged by their ISP?

      A. Data that is transferred between Web One Internet clients
      who are connected to TransACT broadband is not measured by
      Web One. This means that if a business has two locations or
      if you need to access your network at work from home and both
      are connected to TransACT and Web One, no charge for the data


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