amavis needing arc ?

Gary Woodman antigramp at
Wed Aug 22 13:43:09 EST 2001

--- David Murn <davey at> wrote:
> On 22 Aug 2001, Damien Elmes wrote:
> > > It is looking for "arc", but I seem to cannot find what package
> > > that uses it or can find the whereabouts of it.
> > 
> Redhat seems to ship with an rpm for arc but debian doesnt, weird.

Even weirder is a modern administrative tool's dependence on such an
archaic and obsolete utility. Haven't they heard of tar, gzip, InfoZip,
even lha? I doubt that contemporary developers would be unaware of
these, let alone require something similar from the Dark Ages.

Might it instead be referring to ArcServe, an established commercial
backup/recovery package? Could you trick it by putting, say, a null
shell script named 'arc' in its path?


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