[linux-cifs-client] Found minor bug in kernel cifs. Who should I tell? I have a fix (soft of).

Yanko Sheiretov iancshay at comcast.net
Thu May 6 13:54:30 MDT 2010

Meanwhile during debugging I found a minor bug in the kernel cifs code.
I am wondering who I should send this to.

Here is what it is:
In file fs/cifs/connect.c line 462 reads

cFYI(1, ("Negative RFC1002 Session Response Error 0x%x)",

Apart from the superfluous ")" the problem here is that it doesn't
actually log the error code returned, which is given in the
byte following the header. When I was trying to get the error code, I
substituted the line above with (I stole this from later in the file):

           length = 0;
           pdu_length = 1;
           iov.iov_base = 4 + (char *)smb_buffer;
           iov.iov_len = pdu_length;
           for (total_read = 0; total_read < pdu_length;
                total_read += length) {
             length = kernel_recvmsg(csocket, &smb_msg, &iov, 1,
                                     pdu_length - total_read, 0);

             cFYI(1, ("Negative RFC1002 Session Response Error 0x%x",
                      int( *(4+(char *)smb_buffer) ) ) );

but I realize this is a kluge, so whoever maintains the code should
put in a real fix.


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