[linux-cifs-client] [PATCH 2/2] Continued cleanup of open_cred_file and fixed a potential security risk.

Jeff Layton jlayton at samba.org
Sat Apr 24 04:54:39 MDT 2010

On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:30:56 -0400
Scott Lovenberg <scott.lovenberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> >
> > There are also some minor whitespace issues with these patches too
> > (trailing whitespace on a few lines).
> Yeah, I found out that the formatting problems that I've been having are due
> to UTF-8 and interaction between git-format-patch and git-send-email.  I
> added a format section to my .gitconfig (and git-format-patch seemed happy),
> but I guess I've still got an issue. :/

Mostly it was trailing whitespace on some of the lines. checkpatch will
generally catch that. Another way to see it is to colorize your git
diff output. I have this in my .gitconfig, and with it trailing
whitespace shows up in bright red:

        ui = auto
[color "branch"]
        current = yellow reverse
        local = yellow
        remote = green
[color "diff"]
        meta = yellow bold
        frag = magenta bold
        old = red bold
        new = green bold
[color "status"]
        added = yellow
        changed = green
        untracked = cyan

...I think there are also git options to automatically remove trailing
whitespace, but I'm a little more wary of that. YMMV.

Jeff Layton <jlayton at samba.org>

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