[linux-cifs-client] Hello

Linux User linuxuser09 at gmx.com
Mon Oct 26 12:06:13 MDT 2009

I'm not sure if I am on the right mailing list for this questions. I'm having 
a hard time understanding/setting file permissions/uid/gid on the client side.

Here's my mount line:

sudo mount.cifs //comp2.localnet.webwaredev.org/games /mnt/games-share -v -o 
uid=500 gid=networkshares file_mode=0775 dir_mode=0775

It's in verbose and this was what was outputted:

mount.cifs kernel mount options: 

And this is what I am running into:

[lhorace at netsrv games-share]$ cd test
[lhorace at netsrv test]$ mkdir test2
[lhorace at netsrv test]$ ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 lhorace root 0 2009-10-26 12:28 test2
[lhorace at netsrv test]$ touch filetext.txt
touch: cannot touch `filetext.txt': Permission denied
[lhorace at netsrv test]$ cd test2
[lhorace at netsrv test2]$ touch filetest.txt
touch: cannot touch `filetest.txt': Permission denied
[lhorace at netsrv test2]$

On a regular filesystem folder, if I am the owner of the folder, I should be 
able to create files within the folder. And reading the output correctly, it 
seems that uid is the only thing that get's pass to the kernel.

Note: uid=500 = lhorace, and lhorace exists on bothsystems including 

What am I doing wrong? Any hints/clues would be entirely appreciative thank 
you.. =)

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