[linux-cifs-client] perm error on mount point

pouchat at peewiki.net pouchat at peewiki.net
Fri Jun 19 06:46:11 GMT 2009

> On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 11:31:30 -0400, Jeff Layton <jlayton at redhat.com>
> No. Is there some reason you feel the need to pretend that the
> directory is writable when it isn't?

Yes, because it is writable : my share are ALL WRITABLE for user (username
and uid
option that i pass during the mount). So 2.6.24 have FOR ME the correct
behaviour (perms). During my search i've also found that force the
dir_mode to 0000 solve partially my problem : writable, but only for

Finally, the problem (often) come from microsoft : they use the read only
attribut instead of the system attribut. As they discuss in this page
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256614 on readonly bit : "some programs can
display errors while trying to write file in this - fake readonly - dir".
Maybe the case with cifs in kernel 2.6.26 or later. I've tried the regedit
they proprosed and after reload cifs all my shares were mounted with
perms : rwxr-xr-x instead of r-x-r-xr-x.

So for the moment it works, hope for a long time ;) and thanks for
spending time to answer and to help !

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