[linux-cifs-client][patch] 1st attempt at named pipe support in cifs client

Shirish Pargaonkar shirishpargaonkar at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 20:46:36 GMT 2008

I thought I will get feedback on the implemenation of named pipe
support in cifs.
This code does not have error handling (e.g. if clients more than max
# of simultaneous
connections connect to the named pipe), can not indicate client
whether the mode of
the named pipe is either message mode or byte mode, if it is possible
to change the
mode of the named pipe from message to byte and vice versa (in-spite
of server creating
the named pipe in either message mode or byte mode) from the client side, I am
not sure how to do that and this code does not support that too.

I did open, write and close on the some of the named pipes listed
pipelist ulitilty such as
srvsvc, browser, and keysvc and did that without any errors e.g.
open("<ipc$_share_mountpoint>/<named_pipe_path>, open_flags);
(without any Pipe or PIPE) e.g.
open("/mnt/ipcdollar/browser",  O_RDWR);
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Url : http://lists.samba.org/archive/linux-cifs-client/attachments/20081212/e2463d9d/namedpipe.3-0001.obj

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