[linux-cifs-client] "create mask" and "force create mode" are ignored

Andreas Schmidl andreas.schmidl at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 23 17:12:43 GMT 2007


I have some shares on a server where multiple users (rw access) store 
their files. Because of that, I force the file/directory permissions 
when somebody create a file/directory

Example of a share:

   comment = group share for family
   path = /mnt/open/family
   browseable = yes
   writeable = yes
   valid users = @family
   create mode = 2660
   directory mode = 2770
   force create mode = 2660
   force directory mode = 2770

@family member, who use a windows client, can create their 
files/directories with the right permissions (forced by smb.conf 
configuration) but users, who mounted shares with mount.cifs create 
their with default umask configuration. For example, file creation on 

-rw-r--r-- 1 xac family 0 2007-10-23 19:01 test

I use the CIFS unix extensions (unix extensions = yes)  to set uid,gid 
and permissions. This works in a correct way and my mounted shares have 
the right permissions, but the "file/directory create modes" aren't 
correctly interpreted by mount.cifs.

mount-command for family-share:
mount -t cifs //an-server/family /mnt/family -o 

Best regards,

Andreas Schmidl

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