[linux-cifs-client] mount.cifs in /etc/fstab with credentials file

Mark Anthony Rodriguez mrodriguez at alum.rpi.edu
Mon Jul 30 07:10:50 GMT 2007


This problem has been troubling me and it may be easy to solve.  I am
using Fedora 7 and I have entered the appropriate lines in my /etc/fstab
file to mount some samba shares using the credentials file option ex:
//servename/media_files /mnt/medi_files       cifs
tf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0

where I have the username and password and no spaces in the
file /home/guest/.credentials.guest 

I have chmod the file to 770 (less conservative than 600 or 700).
During bootup I get the error message that 
error 13 error opening credentials file /home/guest/.credentials.guest

Now after the boot up process, as root, I can manually type mount -a and
the share is mounted.

I believe the problem may be that at the time /etc/fstab is being
processed I don't have sufficient privileges to read a credential file.
Any idea as to what is going on and possible solutions?  I guess I could
right a script to be executed at each user's login, but it seems less
than elegant.

Thank you,


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