[linux-cifs-client] mount.cifs on linux client fail to create a symbolic link outside home directory

Eric PEYREMORTE eric.peyremorte at iut-valence.fr
Fri Jul 13 16:26:32 GMT 2007


I'm using mount.cifs with pam_mount to mount my home directory.
Everything works ok but i have a problem creating symbolic links that 
points outside cifs share on the local machine.
I'm using my client to connect a samba 3.0.25 samba server with unix 
extensions activated.

When i create a link to a file inside my home i have no problem. But 
when i try to do that for example :
ln -s /bin/uname uname
inside my folder it fails telling "file not found"

The probleme is that Wine can't start because it creates a symbolic link 
inside my home dir that point to a local filesystem file.

Is there a way to do what i want ?

IUT Valence

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