[linux-cifs-client] legacy smb time handling

Steve French smfrench at austin.rr.com
Sat Sep 23 16:49:10 GMT 2006

Jeremy Allison wrote:

>On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 10:55:40PM -0500, Steve French wrote:
>>Have made a start at adding the legacy time handling - the attached 
>>patch is about 1/2 done.
>Steve, please remember to keep the SVN trees on samba.org
>up to date w.r.t. the CIFS client code. That's the only
>public code people can do work on.
>I think it's missing the locking fix (and maybe other things)
>right now.
I will update the svn today.

The kernel community is a lot bigger than ours (Samba's), so the public 
git repository(ies)
have to be the master (rather than Samba svn) - but I don't see any 
reason why we shoudn't
just autosync the two svn branches from git - is there an example cron 
job (or equivalent long
running daemon) in an always running server (e.g. in the Samba build 
farm) that already
does this kind of thing?
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