[linux-cifs-client] Re: CIFS Unix Extensions and uid/gid/mode

Christopher R. Hertel crh at ubiqx.mn.org
Tue Dec 19 03:39:22 GMT 2006

Sorry for the delay replying...

Steve French wrote:
> I probably need to make this a mount parm, but currently users do
> echo 0 > /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled
> mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt ...
> echo 1 > /proc/fs/cifs/LinuxExtensionsEnabled

Ah.  That'll do it for now.  Yes, it'd be nice if that were a parameter.

> Could you explain what you want in more detail?
> uid/gid/mode support works if the server supports the Unix extensions -
> mode bits are evaluated on
> the client (generic_permission in the vfs) - what user you choose to use
> to mount on the server
> does not really matter for the client access decision as long as you
> have access on the server
> for that share for that id specified on mount (or if you don't want to
> send a username
> you can try "sec=none" to send a null user and "guest" so it does not
> prompt for password)

I think that this is where I have had problems.  Perhaps my copy of the
software is too old (I'm using stock SuSE right now).  When I get a guest
connection I don't seem to get the right permissions.

Here's the setup:

  workgroup       = ubiqx
  username map    = /etc/samba/smbusers
  map to guest    = Bad User
  guest account   = nobody
  time server     = yes
  unix extensions = yes
  map archive     = no
  security        = user

  path            = /tmp
  browseable      = no
  writable        = yes
  guest ok        = yes

So, I

  # mount -t cifs -o sec=none,guest //hulk/test /mnt
  # touch /mnt/foo.root

and then from a non-superuser account I

  $ touch /mnt/foo.user
  touch: setting times of `/mnt/foo.user': Permission denied

Interesting, so...

  $ ls -l /mnt/foo.*
  -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 2006-12-18 21:26 /mnt/foo.root
  -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nobody 0 2006-12-18 21:27 /mnt/foo.user

Both of the files (one created by root, one by crh.users) are owned by
nobody.nobody.  Hmmm....  Other files (created on the server side) show the
correct owner and group, so I know that the extensions are working to some

My guess is that I'm dealing with out-of-date software on my end.  The
CHANGES file on the client side says I've got CIFS VFS v 1.40.  The server
says it's Version 3.0.13-1.3-SUSE.

Send along any clues.


Chris -)-----

"Implementing CIFS - the Common Internet FileSystem" ISBN: 013047116X
Samba Team -- http://www.samba.org/     -)-----   Christopher R. Hertel
jCIFS Team -- http://jcifs.samba.org/   -)-----   ubiqx development, uninq.
ubiqx Team -- http://www.ubiqx.org/     -)-----   crh at ubiqx.mn.org
OnLineBook -- http://ubiqx.org/cifs/    -)-----   crh at ubiqx.org

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