[linux-cifs-client] Re: Mounting directories below share level

J. A. Landamore jal at mcs.le.ac.uk
Mon Mar 14 11:09:24 GMT 2005

On 9th March 205, Steve French replied:


>> system haven't been able to cifs mount a share that I don't have rights 
>> As I said in my mail of 7th March, I can "mount -t smb" a share that I 
>> no rights to; however I cannot "mount -t cifs" the same share.  If I set 
>> cifsFYI to 1, I get the attached information logged through syslog.  I 
>> assume, naively, that it is the cifs_read_inode that generates the 
>Your assumption seems reasonable that the access denied is on the lookup
>of the root directory of the share (this lookup is done at the end of
>mount by the kernel).  It may be that smbfs masks errors on 
>lookup of the root directory of the share.  In my tests (from CIFS to
>Windows) I saw empty directories on ls but not access denied IIRC -
>we really need to trace smbfs vs. cifs for the two mounts. If they
>end up validating properly with the same user - it may turn out
>that smbfs ignores the QueryPathInfo return code in this particular
>case.   A small ethereal trace of each of the two mounts would be
>useful to see if smbfs is also getting access denied on QPathInfo
>as well - or if smbfs is using a backlevel call (like the old
>DOS style SMB getattr) and the server is not consistently setting return
>codes on that the same as the newer equivalenet (Transact2 QueryPathInfo


Attached are 2 ethereal traces, one from the command

mount -t smb //<client IP>/UserShare1$ /mnt -o 

and the other from the command

mount -t cifs //<client IP>/UserShare1$ /mnt -o 

If I've taken the traces incorrectly, or more info is needed, please let me 
know.  This is the first time I've driven ethereal.

Thanks for the help


John Landamore

School of Mathematics & Computer Science
University of Leicester
University Road, LEICESTER, LE1 7RH
J.Landamore at mcs.le.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)116 2523410       Fax: +44 (0)116 2523604

-------------- next part --------------
 1 0.000000    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34062 > microsoft-ds [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=501754270 TSER=0 WS=2
 2 0.000269    <server IP>         <client IP>         TCP      microsoft-ds > 34062 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=17520 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=0 TSV=0 TSER=0
 3 0.000297    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34062 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501754271 TSER=0
 4 0.000397    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Negotiate Protocol Request
 5 0.000750    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Negotiate Protocol Response
 6 0.000769    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34062 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=52 Ack=102 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501754271 TSER=21301418
 7 0.001034    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Session Setup AndX Request, User: \
 8 0.011526    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Session Setup AndX Response
 9 0.011589    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Tree Connect AndX Request, Path: \\<server IP>\UserShare1$
10 0.013352    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Tree Connect AndX Response
11 0.013400    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Trans2 Request, QUERY_FS_INFO, Query FS Device Info
12 0.014816    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Trans2 Response, QUERY_FS_INFO
13 0.014862    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Trans2 Request, QUERY_FS_INFO, Query FS Attribute Info
14 0.015489    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Trans2 Response, QUERY_FS_INFO
15 0.015549    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Trans2 Request, QUERY_PATH_INFO, Query File All Info, Path: 
16 0.016962    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Trans2 Response, QUERY_PATH_INFO, Error: STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
17 0.018057    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Tree Disconnect Request
18 0.019180    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Tree Disconnect Response
19 0.019248    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Logoff AndX Request
20 0.019788    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Logoff AndX Response
21 0.019837    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34062 > microsoft-ds [FIN, ACK] Seq=702 Ack=588 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501754290 TSER=21301419
22 0.022885    <server IP>         <client IP>         TCP      microsoft-ds > 34062 [FIN, ACK] Seq=588 Ack=703 Win=16819 Len=0 TSV=21301419 TSER=501754290
23 0.022912    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34062 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=703 Ack=589 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501754293 TSER=21301419
-------------- next part --------------
 1 0.000000    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34060 > microsoft-ds [SYN] Seq=0 Ack=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=501565430 TSER=0 WS=2
 2 0.000140    <server IP>         <client IP>         TCP      microsoft-ds > 34060 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=17520 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=0 TSV=0 TSER=0
 3 0.000181    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34060 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501565430 TSER=0
 4 0.011323    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Negotiate Protocol Request
 5 0.012880    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Negotiate Protocol Response
 6 0.012908    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34060 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=184 Ack=102 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501565443 TSER=21299531
 7 0.014244    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Session Setup AndX Request, User:\
 8 0.131016    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Session Setup AndX Response
 9 0.134088    <client IP>         <server IP>         SMB      Tree Connect AndX Request, Path: \\<server IP>\USERSHARE1$
10 0.135827    <server IP>         <client IP>         SMB      Tree Connect AndX Response
11 0.175255    <client IP>         <server IP>         TCP      34060 > microsoft-ds [ACK] Seq=402 Ack=253 Win=5840 Len=0 TSV=501565606 TSER=21299532

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