[linux-cifs-client] Re: Linux CIFS client with Samba 2.0.x or 2.2.x ?

Steven French sfrench at us.ibm.com
Mon May 17 16:16:56 GMT 2004

> So my question is, should I expect the Linux CIFS client to work with
> Samba 2.0.x or 2.2.x?

I have not tested with Samba 2.0.x so can not speculate on whether it 
would work, but the error that you mention

>  [2004/05/15 17:45:46, 0] smbd/nttrans.c:map_share_mode(443)
>    map_share_mode: Incorrect value 80000000 for desired_access to file 

refers to an important flag which Samba now supports, but apparently did 
not that long ago, but may be easy enough for the cifs client to retry 
using different desired_access.   I would be much more concerned about 
problems with Samba 2.2, which is more commonly deployed, and which I used 
to test the cifs client with extensively, but I think that the example 
that you are using may be a security restriction that is better to leave 
the way it is (and should not affect Samba servers in non-passthrough 

> server is configured with "security = server" and "password server =
> MYPDC".  If I increase the debug level on the server, I can see that
> it logs these messages:
>  connected to password server MYPDC
>  ...
>  password server MYPDC rejected the password

A likely cause for this is that the cifs client does not send the older 
insecure "lanman hash" of the password (sometimes referred to as ASCII 
password), although I used to have the code for that present in 
fs/cifs/connect.c but ifdef out (for those who really wanted to reenable 
it, they could).   It looks like for passthrough mode (when a password 
server is configured) in older Samba, Samba may require (or at least in 
some cases requires) that the client send at least the insecure password 
hash which I don't think is worth the security risk.    smbfs usually will 
work mostly for these backlevel cases since it sends both the insecure and 
slightly more secure NTLM password hashes.   I am uncomfortable with 
sending such an insecure password hash on the cifs client since they can 
be broken so quickly with modern computers.   I am not 100% certain that 
the older Samba always requires the lanman password hash when configured 
that way, but I have had two or three reports that lead me to that 

Steve French
Senior Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center - IBM Austin
phone: 512-838-2294
email: sfrench at-sign us dot ibm dot com
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