[linux-cifs-client] Re: New Makefile from cvs

Steven French sfrench at us.ibm.com
Tue May 4 22:04:03 GMT 2004

The makefile in CVS is the 2.4 makefile.   There was a global change to 
makefile style used in 2.5 / 2.6.  The makefile which you call "OLD" is 
correct.   There is a way to get CVS to pull bitkeeper changesets - some 
sort of gateway (I just don't know how to do that so for 2.6 changes I put 
them on the web from time to time as gz files but otherwise just let 
people get them via the kernel.org snapshots - the frequent mm patch 
includes current versions of cifs bk tree and I will try to sync with 
Linus's tree at least every few weeks)

Steve French
Senior Software Engineer
Linux Technology Center - IBM Austin
phone: 512-838-2294
email: sfrench at-sign us dot ibm dot com

Richard Hughes <ee21rh at eim.surrey.ac.uk> 
05/04/2004 01:17 PM

Steven French/Austin/IBM at IBMUS
linux-cifs-client at lists.samba.org
New Makefile from cvs


# Makefile for Linux CIFS VFS client
obj-$(CONFIG_CIFS) += cifs.o
cifs-objs := cifsfs.o cifssmb.o cifs_debug.o connect.o dir.o file.o
inode.o link.o misc.o netmisc.o smbdes.o smbencrypt.o transport.o asn1.o
md4.o md5.o cifs_unicode.o nterr.o xattr.o cifsencrypt.o fcntl.o

Updated CVS: 

# Makefile for Linux CIFS VFS client
O_TARGET := cifs.o
obj-y := cifsfs.o cifssmb.o cifs_debug.o connect.o dir.o file.o inode.o
link.o misc.o netmisc.o smbdes.o smbencrypt.o transport.o asn1.o md4.o
md5.o cifs_unicode.o nterr.o cifsencrypt.o
obj-m := $(O_TARGET)
include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make

2.6.6-rc3 gets really upset about O_TARGET notice and won't compile:

fs/cifs/Makefile:10: /usr/src/linux-2.6.6-rc3-bk6/Rules.make: No such
file or directory
scripts/Makefile.build:40: kbuild: fs/cifs/Makefile - Usage of O_TARGET
:= cifs.o is obsolete in 2.6. Please fix!
make[1]: *** No rule to make target
`/usr/src/linux-2.6.6-rc3-bk6/Rules.make'. Stop.
make: *** [fs/cifs/] Error 2

Why the change?


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