[jcifs] Performance Issue with jcifs and NetApp

roy-jcifs at xemaps.com roy-jcifs at xemaps.com
Wed May 29 09:30:36 MDT 2013

Hey guys,

We have a netapp here as well and I would say that performance through jcifs is typically much slower than doing straight java.io.*

I just always assumed that was "normal".  I will try and get a log as well.  In the meantime André mentioned the below.  I am curious, what would be creating new connections all the time?  We typically create new SMBFile object off a String path of the typical smb://... url.  Would that be creating new connections all the time?

André Warnier said
I would float a suspicion, but do not by any means consider this as a well-informed comment : maybe the way in which you are doing the access through the jcifs library is forcing it to create new connections all the time, resulting in a new authentication at each access ?  That would probably slow down things quite a bit.


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