[jcifs] LM Auth level and lmCompatibility/useExtendedSecurity settings

Sameer Pradhan sa.pradhan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 21:17:03 MDT 2012


This question is partly about JCIFS and since I am not too familar with Windows
 settings, it is partly about the Windows "Network Security: LAN Manager
 authentication level" setting in Local Security Policy/Domain Security Policy.

I am trying to use the JCIFS HTTP Servlet Filter for NTLM authentication for a
 java web application running in a web container (JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere). I
 have read the page "JCIFS NTLM HTTP Authentication" and other pages on the
 JCIFS site, as well as browsed the mailing list archives.

I understand that the JCIFS HTTP NTLM filter only supports NTLM v1. So what does 
 that translate to in terms of the above Windows setting and the corresponding
 JCIFS settings? Specifically, in order to use the JCIFS filter, what values do
 I need to set the following to:

1. On Domain Controller machine, Domain Controller Security Policy -> 
LAN Manager authentication level
2. On Domain Controller machine, Domain Security Policy -> LAN Manager 
authentication level
3. On the machine hosting the web container, Local Security Policy -> LAN
Manager authentication level
4. On the client machine running IE, Local Security Policy -> LAN Manager
 authentication level
5. JCIFS parameter jcifs.smb.lmCompatibility
6. JCIFS parameter jcifs.smb.client.useExtendedSecurity

If some of these are not relevant, I would appreciate knowing that as well. Any
 help will be appreciated!

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