[jcifs] Is the work-around also the answer?

Bret Comstock Waldow bcw1000 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 23 05:15:28 MDT 2011

On 23/10/11 18:09, André Warnier wrote:
> If I understand the above correctly, you are talking about the jCIFS
> HTTP NTLM authentication filter.
I think so, although my own exposure is new enough that I might be
missing something.

> If so, you should go the corresponding page on the website, and read
> the notice that is highlighted.  And really, really, believe it.
> The fundamental part of it is that this filter can stop working at any
> time, for example simply because the network admins have decided to
> switch to NTLMv2 authentication (which is nowadays the default),
> instead of continuing to support NTLMv1.
> They may not even have "decided" this, but simply updated a Domain
> Controller, making NTLMv2 the default in the process.
No. That can't be done.

This is Large, Huge, International Resource Company, and that's not
going to happen.  Period.

There is a project in it's early stages to replace this software with
something else, but I'm not doing that, and it won't happen soon.  Maybe
next year, but I have my doubts.

I'm in Support, and I'm maintaining what's there, which will/must work
24/7/365 or huge amounts of money are lost.  It WILL continue for months
or years from now, and no one is going to flip switches like that and
keep their job - full stop ("period" for you Yanks).

There is no uncertainty or choice about this.

 I need the answers I ask for - that's the only help that can matter
this time.

I would really, really like to hear any ideas anyone has,  because this
is the problem I must solve, either by justifying the "work-around" as
the solution, or by finding how the situation might have changed on our
side, or "their" side (the people that manage the AD servers), so I can
try to track it down.

I am hoping that the people who have been managing jCIFS all this time
(and fixing the problems that arose that led to suggesting the
"pre-authentication" solution) can give me the benefit of their
knowledge, which I can't acquire in any short time with the
documentation that is available.

I don't need to make the system work "like it should", or "the best way"
- that is well outside my power.

I need to know what has happened now with it as it is, and what to do
about it.  And if the "pre-authentication" is the proper fix, I need to
be able to show that this is so, and not just that we're accepting a
hack because we didn't look far enough (it matters).

Please give me the benefit of your hard-won experience - it's useful
again here, I would be grateful, and it will help me learn even if it's
not the future way.  Knowing the past is useful, sometimes.  I am on a
rotating roster for 24/7 support - if it breaks, I get woken up to fix it.

Thank you,

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