[jcifs] Problem listing files from IBM iSeries server
André Warnier
aw at ice-sa.com
Thu Dec 16 02:15:13 MST 2010
Hi guys.
In a previous message, I indicated the URL of a Samba group bugzilla entry about a similar
issue. In this bugzilla entry, there is a "Assigned to" email address.
You might want to examine that email address, and maybe check if you can get in touch with
this person directly ?
Erick Lichtas wrote:
> Haha... well thanks for the replies. A workaround like this may be
> something we have to go with for our immediate need due to our time
> constraints. My only problem with this is that it takes quite a long time
> to list a directory with a large number of files. Ultimately a fix is what
> we're wanting. I think in the near future we may be able to spend some time
> digging into code to find the cause of the problem.
> When that happens, I'm sure you'll be hearing from me again!
> Thanks for your help guys (Paul and Mike),
> Erick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clapham, Paul [mailto:pclapham at core-mark.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:41 PM
> To: Erick Lichtas; Michael B Allen
> Cc: jcifs at lists.samba.org
> Subject: RE: [jcifs] Problem listing files from IBM iSeries server
> I was the person who originally reported this last year. I couldn't get up
> the nerve to attempt fixing the JCIFS source so here's the workaround I
> implemented:
> SmbFile[] files = remoteFile.listFiles(); Set<SmbFile> distinctFiles = new
> HashSet<SmbFile>(Arrays.asList(files));
> SmbFile[] result = distinctFiles.toArray(new SmbFile[distinctFiles.size()]);
> Regards
> PC2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jcifs-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:jcifs-bounces at lists.samba.org]
> On Behalf Of Erick Lichtas
> Sent: December 15, 2010 11:25
> To: 'Michael B Allen'
> Cc: jcifs at lists.samba.org
> Subject: ***SPAM*** Re: [jcifs] Problem listing files from IBM iSeries
> server
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for your reply. I am well versed in Java, but do not know much about
> the SMB protocol or JCIFS source. I will gladly spend some time looking
> into this further as we do have some pressing need to get this working.
> Would you be able to point me in the right direction on the best place to
> start looking?
> Regards,
> Erick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael B Allen [mailto:ioplex at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 1:09 PM
> To: Erick Lichtas
> Cc: jcifs at lists.samba.org
> Subject: Re: [jcifs] Problem listing files from IBM iSeries server
> Hi Erick,
> This issue was partially diagnosed on Oct 29, 2009:
> http://lists.samba.org/archive/jcifs/2009-October/008957.html
> It appears to be specific to at least OS400. The issue is on the TODO list
> but there is no ETA. If you know Java and you debug the issue further, it
> might expedite a work-around (I say work-around because I suspect this is a
> bug in the IBM server).
> Mike
> --
> Michael B Allen
> Java Active Directory Integration
> http://www.ioplex.com/
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Erick Lichtas <elichtas at linoma.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am implementing JCIFS to connect shared drives on various different
>> servers. I am experiencing an interesting issue when connecting to a
> shared
>> drive on our IBM iSeries server (I do not notice this when connecting
>> to a share on Windows or Linux). When listing the files of a
>> directory using SmbFile.listFiles(), it is returning multiple
>> duplicates for the file entries. The results are the same using
>> jcifs-1.3.14.jar and jcifs-1.3.15.jar. Does anyone have any thoughts
>> our ideas on how to fix this issue? Below is an example of the output
>> as well as the JCIFS debug output.
>> ==========================================================
>> Example:
>> I am connecting to and listing the contents of
>> 'smb://'. In the first test, the directory only
>> contains 1 file, but the API is returning 3
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> Total Count: 3
>> Next, I add a second file. In this case, the first file in the list
>> is duplicated 3 times, and the second file is then listed 4 times.
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> Total Count: 7
>> Adding a third file in turn lists an additional 5 duplicates
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> smb://
>> Total Count: 12
>> ==========================================================
>> Below is the debug output (-Djcifs.util.loglevel=10) for listing a
> directory
>> containing a single file (which returns 3 files)
>> #Fri Dec 10 09:15:17 CST 2010
>> goanywhere.home=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector
>> java.runtime.name=Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
>> sun.boot.library.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\bin
>> java.vm.version=1.5.0_22-b03
>> shared.loader=
>> java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> java.vendor.url=http\://java.sun.com/
>> path.separator=;
>> java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
>> tomcat.util.buf.StringCache.byte.enabled=true
>> file.encoding.pkg=sun.io
>> user.country=US
>> sun.java.launcher=SUN_STANDARD
>> sun.os.patch.level=
>> java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
>> user.dir=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat\\bin
>> java.runtime.version=1.5.0_22-b03
>> java.awt.graphicsenv=sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
> java.endorsed.dirs=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat/common/endorse
> d
>> os.arch=amd64
>> java.io.tmpdir=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat\\temp
>> line.separator=\r\n
>> java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> user.variant=
>> java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.apache.naming
>> os.name=Windows 7
>> sun.jnu.encoding=Cp1252
>> java.library.path=C\:\\Program
> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\bin;C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat\\bi
> n
>> java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
>> java.class.version=49.0
>> sun.management.compiler=HotSpot 64-Bit Server Compiler
>> os.version=6.1
>> sun.io.useCanonCaches=false
>> user.home=C\:\\Users\\Lichtas
>> user.timezone=America/Chicago
>> catalina.useNaming=true
>> java.awt.printerjob=sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob
>> java.specification.version=1.5
>> file.encoding=Cp1252
>> jcifs.util.loglevel=10
>> catalina.home=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat
>> user.name=Lichtas
> java.class.path=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar
> ;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22/lib/tools.jar
>> java.naming.factory.initial=org.apache.naming.java.javaURLContextFacto
>> ry
> package.definition=sun.,java.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apache.coyote.,org.ap
> ache.tomcat.,org.apache.jasper.
>> java.vm.specification.version=1.0
>> sun.arch.data.model=64
>> java.home=C\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre
>> java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> user.language=en
>> awt.toolkit=sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
>> java.vm.info=mixed mode
>> java.version=1.5.0_22
>> java.ext.dirs=C\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\ext
>> sun.boot.class.path=C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\i18n.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\sunrsasign.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\jsse.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\jce.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\lib\\charsets.jar;C\:\\Program
>> Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_22\\jre\\classes
>> java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>> server.loader=
>> catalina.base=C\:\\Linoma\\workspace\\gadirector\\tomcat
>> file.separator=\\
>> java.vendor.url.bug=http\://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi
> common.loader=${catalina.home}/../../linoma-commons/classes,${catalina.home}
> /../../ghttpsclient/classes,${catalina.home}/../../ghttpsclient/lib/*.jar,${
> catalina.home}/../../jscape_unleashed/classes,${catalina.home}/../config,${c
> atalina.base}/lib,${catalina.base}/lib/*.jar,${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina
> .home}/lib/*.jar
>> sun.cpu.endian=little
>> sun.io.unicode.encoding=UnicodeLittle
> package.access=sun.,org.apache.catalina.,org.apache.coyote.,org.apache.tomca
> t.,org.apache.jasper.,sun.beans.
>> sun.desktop=windows
>> sun.cpu.isalist=amd64
>> doConnect:<00>/
> SmbComNegotiate[command=SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE,received=false,errorCode=0,flags=0
> x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=0,mid=1,wordCount=0,byteCo
> unt=12,wordCount=0,dialects=NT
>> LM 0.12]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBr......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 00 00 01 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 00 0C 00 02 4E 54 20 4C 4D 20 30 2E 31 32 00 |....NT LM
>> 0.12. |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBr......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 00 00 01 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> byteCount=23 but readBytesWireFormat returned 22
> SmbComNegotiateResponse[command=SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE,received=false,errorCode=0
> ,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=0,mid=1,wordCount=
> 17,byteCount=23,wordCount=17,dialectIndex=0,securityMode=0x3,security=user,e
> ncryptedPasswords=true,maxMpxCount=5,maxNumberVcs=1,maxBufferSize=4356,maxRa
> wSize=65536,sessionKey=0x0000015F,capabilities=0x0000C21D,serverTime=Fri
>> Dec 10 09:13:02 CST
> 2010,serverTimeZone=360,encryptionKeyLength=8,byteCount=23,oemDomainName=???
> ????]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBr......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 00 00 01 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 11 00 00 03 05 00 01 00 04 11 00 00 00 00 01
>> |............... |
>> treeConnect: unc=\\\ROOT,service=?????
>> sessionSetup: accountName=elichtas,primaryDomain=?
> SmbComSessionSetupAndX[command=SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX,received=false,err
> orCode=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=0,mid=2,wo
> rdCount=13,byteCount=79,andxCommand=0x75,andxOffset=140,snd_buf_size=4356,ma
> xMpxCount=5,VC_NUMBER=1,sessionKey=0,lmHash.length=24,ntHash.length=0,capabi
> lities=20,accountName=elichtas,primaryDomain=?,NATIVE_OS=Windows
> SmbComTreeConnectAndX[command=SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX,received=false,error
> Code=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0x0000,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=0,mid=0,word
> Count=4,byteCount=47,andxCommand=0xFF,andxOffset=0,disconnectTid=false,passw
> ordLength=1,password=,path=\\\ROOT,service=?????]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 73 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBs......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 00 00 02 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0D 75 00 8C 00 04 11 05 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 18
>> |.u..............|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 4F 00 2A C7 F0
>> |...........O.*Çð|
>> 00040: BE 3F C7 CF 43 96 49 EB CB 00 76 5A 57 1D F1 FE
>> |¾?ÇÏC.IëË.vZW.ñþ|
>> 00050: 63 13 9E 62 77 00 65 00 6C 00 69 00 63 00 68 00
>> |c..bw.e.l.i.c.h.|
>> 00060: 74 00 61 00 73 00 00 00 3F 00 00 00 57 00 69 00
>> |t.a.s...?...W.i.|
>> 00070: 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 73 00 20 00 37 00 00 00 |n.d.o.w.s.
>> .7...|
>> 00080: 6A 00 43 00 49 00 46 00 53 00 00 00 04 FF 00 DE
>> |j.C.I.F.S....ÿ.Þ|
>> 00090: DE 00 00 01 00 2F 00 00 5C 00 5C 00 31 00 39 00
>> |Þ..../..\.\.1.9.|
>> 000A0: 32 00 2E 00 31 00 36 00 38 00 2E 00 31 00 2E 00
>> |2...1.6.8...1...|
>> 000B0: 35 00 34 00 5C 00 52 00 4F 00 4F 00 54 00 00 00
>> |5.4.\.R.O.O.T...|
>> 000C0: 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 00 |?????.
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 73 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBs......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 02 00
>> |..........l.....|
> SmbComSessionSetupAndXResponse[command=SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX,received=f
> alse,errorCode=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,
> mid=2,wordCount=3,byteCount=147,andxCommand=0x75,andxOffset=188,isLoggedInAs
> Guest=false,nativeOs=I5OS
>> V6R1M0,nativeLanMan=i5OS Support for Windows Network
>> Neighborhood,primaryDomain=LINOMA_ASHLAND]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 73 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMBs......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 02 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 03 75 00 BC 00 00 00 93 00 01 49 00 35 00 4F 00
>> |.u.¼......I.5.O.|
>> 00030: 53 00 20 00 56 00 36 00 52 00 31 00 4D 00 30 00 |S.
>> .V.6.R.1.M.0.|
>> 00040: 00 00 69 00 35 00 4F 00 53 00 20 00 53 00 75 00 |..i.5.O.S.
>> .S.u.|
>> 00050: 70 00 70 00 6F 00 72 00 74 00 20 00 66 00 6F 00 |p.p.o.r.t.
>> .f.o.|
>> 00060: 72 00 20 00 57 00 69 00 6E 00 64 00 6F 00 77 00 |r.
>> .W.i.n.d.o.w.|
>> 00070: 73 00 20 00 4E 00 65 00 74 00 77 00 6F 00 72 00 |s.
>> .N.e.t.w.o.r.|
>> 00080: 6B 00 20 00 4E 00 65 00 69 00 67 00 68 00 62 00 |k.
>> .N.e.i.g.h.b.|
>> 00090: 6F 00 72 00 68 00 6F 00 6F 00 64 00 00 00 4C 00
>> |o.r.h.o.o.d...L.|
>> 000A0: 49 00 4E 00 4F 00 4D 00 41 00 5F 00 41 00 53 00
>> |I.N.O.M.A._.A.S.|
>> 000B0: 48 00 4C 00 41 00 4E 00 44 00 00 00 03 FF 00 DE
>> |H.L.A.N.D....ÿ.Þ|
>> 000C0: DE 01 00 08 00 41 3A 00 4E 54 46 53 00 |Þ....A:.NTFS.
>> |
>> doConnect:<00>/
>> queryPath: \test
> Trans2QueryPathInformation[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,error
> Code=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=3,word
> Count=15,byteCount=19,totalParameterCount=18,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCo
> unt=2,maxDataCount=40,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=18
> ,parameterOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=84,dataDi
> splacement=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,informationLevel=0x101,filename=\test
> ]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 03 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 12 00 00 00 02 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.......(........|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 12 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 13
>> |.....B..........|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 5C 00 74 00 65 00 73 00
>> |........\.t.e.s.|
>> 00050: 74 00 00 00 |t...
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 03 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2QueryPathInformationResponse[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=fal
> se,errorCode=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mi
> d=3,wordCount=10,byteCount=38,totalParameterCount=2,totalDataCount=36,parame
> terCount=2,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=36,dataOffse
> t=57,dataDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 03 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 02 00 24 00 00 00 02 00 37 00 00 00 24 00 39
>> |...$.....7...$.9|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 64 86 3A F6 79 98 CB
>> |.....&...d.:öy.Ë|
>> 00040: 01 00 89 E8 1A 7C 98 CB 01 8A 02 A2 36 7B 98 CB
>> |...è.|.Ë...¢6{.Ë|
>> 00050: 01 8A 02 A2 36 7B 98 CB 01 10 00 00 00 |...¢6{.Ë.....
>> |
>> doFindFirstNext: \test\
> Trans2FindFirst2[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCode=0,fla
> gs=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=4,wordCount=15,b
> yteCount=29,totalParameterCount=28,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCount=10,max
> DataCount=65535,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=28,param
> eterOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=94,dataDisplace
> ment=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,searchAttributes=0x16,searchCount=200,flags
> =0x00,informationLevel=0x104,searchStorageType=0,filename=\test\]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 04 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 1C 00 00 00 0A 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.......ÿÿ.......|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 1C 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 1D
>> |.....B..........|
>> 00040: 00 00 16 00 C8 00 00 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 5C 00
>> |....È.........\.|
>> 00050: 74 00 65 00 73 00 74 00 5C 00 2A 00 00 00
>> |t.e.s.t.\.*... |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 04 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2FindFirst2Response[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCo
> de=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=4,wordCo
> unt=10,byteCount=326,totalParameterCount=10,totalDataCount=316,parameterCoun
> t=10,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=316,dataOffset=65,
> dataDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=3,isEndOfSear
> ch=false,eaErrorOffset=0,lastNameOffset=0,lastName=.]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 04 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 0A 00 3C 01 00 00 0A 00 37 00 00 00 3C 01 41
>> |...<.....7...<.A|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 46 01 01 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.....F..........|
>> 00040: 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64 86 3A F6 79 98 CB
>> |.d.......d.:öy.Ë|
>> 00050: 01 00 89 E8 1A 7C 98 CB 01 8A 02 A2 36 7B 98 CB
>> |...è.|.Ë...¢6{.Ë|
>> 00060: 01 8A 02 A2 36 7B 98 CB 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |...¢6{.Ë........|
>> 00070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 02 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E
>> |................|
>> 000A0: 00 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8C 91 92
>> |.....d..........|
>> 000B0: 39 80 AF C6 01 48 C8 8C F6 79 98 CB 01 64 86 3A
>> |9.¯Æ.HÈ.öy.Ë.d.:|
>> 000C0: F6 79 98 CB 01 64 86 3A F6 79 98 CB 01 00 00 00
>> |öy.Ë.d.:öy.Ë....|
>> 000D0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00
>> |.............0..|
>> 000E0: 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00100: 00 00 00 2E 00 2E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00110: 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.À.1.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë|
>> 00120: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.b{6.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë|
>> 00130: 01 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 51 01 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.Q.......Q......|
>> 00140: 00 20 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.
>> ..............|
>> 00150: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00160: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31
>> |.......f.i.l.e.1|
>> 00170: 00 2E 00 64 00 61 00 74 00 00 00 00 00 |...d.a.t.....
>> |
> Trans2FindNext2[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCode=0,flag
> s=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=5,wordCount=15,by
> teCount=17,totalParameterCount=16,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCount=8,maxDa
> taCount=65535,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=16,paramet
> erOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=82,dataDisplaceme
> nt=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=65535,informationLevel=0x10
> 4,resumeKey=0x0000,flags=0x00,filename=.]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 05 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 10 00 00 00 08 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.......ÿÿ.......|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 10 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 11
>> |.....B..........|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 00 C8 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 00
>> |....È...........|
>> 00050: 00 00 |..
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 05 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2FindNext2Response[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCod
> e=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=5,wordCou
> nt=10,byteCount=224,totalParameterCount=8,totalDataCount=216,parameterCount=
> 8,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=216,dataOffset=63,dat
> aDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=2,isEndOfSearch=
> false,eaErrorOffset=0,lastNameOffset=0,lastName=..]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 05 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 08 00 D8 00 00 00 08 00 37 00 00 00 D8 00 3F
>> |...Ø.....7...Ø.?|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 64
>> |.....à.........d|
>> 00040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8C 91 92 39 80 AF C6 01 48
>> |..........9.¯Æ.H|
>> 00050: C8 8C F6 79 98 CB 01 64 86 3A F6 79 98 CB 01 64
>> |È.öy.Ë.d.:öy.Ë.d|
>> 00060: 86 3A F6 79 98 CB 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.:öy.Ë..........|
>> 00070: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00
>> |.......0........|
>> 00080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 00 2E
>> |................|
>> 000A0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A
>> |...........À.1.z|
>> 000B0: 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A
>> |.Ë.b{6.z.Ë.b{6.z|
>> 000C0: 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 51 01 00 00 00
>> |.Ë.b{6.z.Ë.Q....|
>> 000D0: 00 00 00 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 12 |...Q.......
>> ....|
>> 000E0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 000F0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00100: 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00 64 00 61
>> |.f.i.l.e.1...d.a|
>> 00110: 00 74 00 00 00 00 00 |.t.....
>> |
> Trans2FindNext2[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCode=0,flag
> s=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=6,wordCount=15,by
> teCount=19,totalParameterCount=18,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCount=8,maxDa
> taCount=65535,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=18,paramet
> erOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=84,dataDisplaceme
> nt=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=65535,informationLevel=0x10
> 4,resumeKey=0x0000,flags=0x00,filename=..]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 06 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 12 00 00 00 08 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.......ÿÿ.......|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 12 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 13
>> |.....B..........|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 00 C8 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 2E 00
>> |....È...........|
>> 00050: 2E 00 00 00 |....
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 06 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2FindNext2Response[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCod
> e=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=6,wordCou
> nt=10,byteCount=124,totalParameterCount=8,totalDataCount=116,parameterCount=
> 8,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=116,dataOffset=63,dat
> aDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=1,isEndOfSearch=
> false,eaErrorOffset=0,lastNameOffset=0,lastName=file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 06 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 08 00 74 00 00 00 08 00 37 00 00 00 74 00 3F
>> |...t.....7...t.?|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 7C 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.....|..........|
>> 00040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62
>> |.......À.1.z.Ë.b|
>> 00050: 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62
>> |{6.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë.b|
>> 00060: 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 51 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 51
>> |{6.z.Ë.Q.......Q|
>> 00070: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 |.......
>> ........|
>> 00080: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |................|
>> 00090: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00 69
>> |.............f.i|
>> 000A0: 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00 64 00 61 00 74 00 00
>> |.l.e.1...d.a.t..|
>> 000B0: 00 00 00 |...
>> |
> Trans2FindNext2[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCode=0,flag
> s=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=7,wordCount=15,by
> teCount=33,totalParameterCount=32,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCount=8,maxDa
> taCount=65535,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=32,paramet
> erOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=98,dataDisplaceme
> nt=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=65535,informationLevel=0x10
> 4,resumeKey=0x0000,flags=0x00,filename=file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 07 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 20 00 00 00 08 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.
>> .....ÿÿ.......|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 20 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 21 |...
>> .B.........!|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 00 C8 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 00
>> |....È.........f.|
>> 00050: 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00 64 00 61 00 74 00
>> |i.l.e.1...d.a.t.|
>> 00060: 00 00 |..
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 07 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2FindNext2Response[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,errorCod
> e=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=7,wordCou
> nt=10,byteCount=8,totalParameterCount=8,totalDataCount=0,parameterCount=8,pa
> rameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=0,dataDispla
> cement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0,sid=1,searchCount=0,isEndOfSearch=true,ea
> ErrorOffset=0,lastNameOffset=0,lastName=file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 07 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 08 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 37 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.........7......|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00
>> |............... |
> SmbComFindClose2[command=SMB_COM_FIND_CLOSE2,received=false,errorCode=0,flag
> s=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=8,wordCount=1,byt
> eCount=0,sid=1]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 34 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB4......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 08 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 01 01 00 00 00 |.....
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 34 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB4......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 08 00
>> |..........l.....|
> SmbComBlankResponse[command=SMB_COM_FIND_CLOSE2,received=false,errorCode=0,f
> lags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=8,wordCount=0,
> byteCount=0]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 34 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB4......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 08 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 00 00 00 |...
>> |
>> doConnect:<00>/
>> queryPath: \test\file1.dat
> Trans2QueryPathInformation[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,error
> Code=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=9,word
> Count=15,byteCount=39,totalParameterCount=38,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterCo
> unt=2,maxDataCount=40,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=38
> ,parameterOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=104,dataD
> isplacement=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,informationLevel=0x101,filename=\tes
> t\file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 09 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 26 00 00 00 02 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.&.....(........|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 26 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 27
>> |...&.B.........'|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 5C 00 74 00 65 00 73 00
>> |........\.t.e.s.|
>> 00050: 74 00 5C 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00
>> |t.\.f.i.l.e.1...|
>> 00060: 64 00 61 00 74 00 00 00 |d.a.t...
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 09 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2QueryPathInformationResponse[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=fal
> se,errorCode=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mi
> d=9,wordCount=10,byteCount=38,totalParameterCount=2,totalDataCount=36,parame
> terCount=2,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=36,dataOffse
> t=57,dataDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 09 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 02 00 24 00 00 00 02 00 37 00 00 00 24 00 39
>> |...$.....7...$.9|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.....&...À.1.z.Ë|
>> 00040: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.b{6.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë|
>> 00050: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 20 00 00 00 |.b{6.z.Ë. ...
>> |
>> doConnect:<00>/
>> queryPath: \test\file1.dat
> Trans2QueryPathInformation[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,error
> Code=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=10,wor
> dCount=15,byteCount=39,totalParameterCount=38,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterC
> ount=2,maxDataCount=40,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=3
> 8,parameterOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=104,data
> Displacement=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,informationLevel=0x101,filename=\te
> st\file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0A 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 26 00 00 00 02 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.&.....(........|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 26 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 27
>> |...&.B.........'|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 5C 00 74 00 65 00 73 00
>> |........\.t.e.s.|
>> 00050: 74 00 5C 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00
>> |t.\.f.i.l.e.1...|
>> 00060: 64 00 61 00 74 00 00 00 |d.a.t...
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0A 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2QueryPathInformationResponse[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=fal
> se,errorCode=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mi
> d=10,wordCount=10,byteCount=38,totalParameterCount=2,totalDataCount=36,param
> eterCount=2,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=36,dataOffs
> et=57,dataDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0A 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 02 00 24 00 00 00 02 00 37 00 00 00 24 00 39
>> |...$.....7...$.9|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.....&...À.1.z.Ë|
>> 00040: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.b{6.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë|
>> 00050: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 20 00 00 00 |.b{6.z.Ë. ...
>> |
>> doConnect:<00>/
>> queryPath: \test\file1.dat
> Trans2QueryPathInformation[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=false,error
> Code=0,flags=0x0018,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mid=11,wor
> dCount=15,byteCount=39,totalParameterCount=38,totalDataCount=0,maxParameterC
> ount=2,maxDataCount=40,maxSetupCount=0,flags=0x00,timeout=0,parameterCount=3
> 8,parameterOffset=66,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=0,dataOffset=104,data
> Displacement=0,setupCount=1,pad=1,pad1=0,informationLevel=0x101,filename=\te
> st\file1.dat]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 18 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0B 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0F 26 00 00 00 02 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
>> |.&.....(........|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 26 00 42 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 27
>> |...&.B.........'|
>> 00040: 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 5C 00 74 00 65 00 73 00
>> |........\.t.e.s.|
>> 00050: 74 00 5C 00 66 00 69 00 6C 00 65 00 31 00 2E 00
>> |t.\.f.i.l.e.1...|
>> 00060: 64 00 61 00 74 00 00 00 |d.a.t...
>> |
>> New data read: Transport1[<00>/]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0B 00
>> |..........l.....|
> Trans2QueryPathInformationResponse[command=SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2,received=fal
> se,errorCode=0,flags=0x0098,flags2=0xC803,signSeq=0,tid=0,pid=39788,uid=1,mi
> d=11,wordCount=10,byteCount=38,totalParameterCount=2,totalDataCount=36,param
> eterCount=2,parameterOffset=55,parameterDisplacement=0,dataCount=36,dataOffs
> et=57,dataDisplacement=0,setupCount=0,pad=0,pad1=0]
>> 00000: FF 53 4D 42 32 00 00 00 00 98 03 C8 00 00 00 00
>> |ÿSMB2......È....|
>> 00010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 9B 01 00 0B 00
>> |..........l.....|
>> 00020: 0A 02 00 24 00 00 00 02 00 37 00 00 00 24 00 39
>> |...$.....7...$.9|
>> 00030: 00 00 00 00 00 26 00 00 00 C0 13 31 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.....&...À.1.z.Ë|
>> 00040: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB
>> |.b{6.z.Ë.b{6.z.Ë|
>> 00050: 01 62 7B 36 0C 7A 98 CB 01 20 00 00 00 |.b{6.z.Ë. ...
>> |
>> Thanks in advance!
>> E R I C K L I C H T A S
>> Linoma Software
>> Software Engineer
>> p. 402.944.4242 x714
>> f. 402.944.4243
>> www.LinomaSoftware.com
>> www.GoAnywhereMFT.com
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