[jcifs] Exceptions "getting eaten" during SmbFile.copyTo

cje at atp.dk cje at atp.dk
Tue Mar 3 08:40:47 GMT 2009

I'm working with v1.3.1. I experience exceptions "getting eaten" during
copyTo. In SmbFile method
void copyTo0( SmbFile dest, byte[][] b, int bsize, WriterThread w,
SmbComReadAndX req, SmbComReadAndXResponse resp ) throws SmbException
there's a try-catch block:
            } catch( Exception ex ) {
                if( log.level > 1 )
                    ex.printStackTrace( log );
            } finally {
But any catched exception will only be logged but no error handling is

I've made some tests where I've provoked a timeout which resulted in an
SmbException "The handle is invalid" in SmbTree.send(). The Exception were
catched, but ignored/suppressed in the above mentioned try-catch-block,
resulting in an incomplete file copy but no error reported!

I've discovered thas this issue have be raised back in December 2006 ("
Problems-with-example-CopyTo"), but I've found no replies to the problem.

Aren't there anyone else who has dealt with this issue?

Best regards,
Carsten Jensen
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