[jcifs] WEB credentials to open a local file, can JCIFS do this?

Newell, Gary gary.newell at intel.com
Tue Aug 26 16:14:04 GMT 2008

Hi -
I'm curious if JCIFS could accomplish the following sequence of tasks:
   - JCIFS is setup with a valid, but privilege less domain account
(already done)
   - a user accesses my WEB page and is authenticated by JCIFS (works
   - using the user's WEB credentials, attempt to open local files and
using ACL's then determine which datasets can be viewed (help!)
note1:  this is jsp/servlet application using Tomcat on a windows
note2:  I do not have access direct to the domain server and I can not
use it for the dataset level (the file ACL level) authentication
note3:  I do not want the user to enter passwords on the WEB page
I'm having difficulty using the authenticated user's WEB credentials to
open a local file.  The attempts have resulted in either GUEST or the
default jcifs account being used.
Any suggestions would be great, thanks!
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