[jcifs] pointer to FAQ or examples

Newell, Gary gary.newell at intel.com
Fri Aug 1 18:36:20 GMT 2008

I apologize for the simple questions -  I'm probably overlooking a FAQ.
I have two questions.  The jcifs.samba.org example showed the basic
authentication setup (which works fine).  I'm looking for two additional
    1)  Some JCIFS examples to Get an Put files from within a servlet
(my servlet container is in Tomcat)
    2)  Some JCIFS examples of testing privileges from within a servlet
by attempting to access resources, similar to the "login share" example
on jcifs.samba.org, but from within the servlet.  Therefore, the servlet
entry establishes a basic privilege level and then the servlet tests
what (if any) additional features the user may access.
Thank you!
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