[jcifs] Please help!

Jobbágy László Jobbagy.Laszlo at aam.hu
Wed Apr 16 12:03:27 GMT 2008

I would like to Authenticate users of my jsp application using NTLM.
The concept is:

-          one module gets the username and domain of user logged in (identification) and checks whether he is allowed to use the program or not (from an MS SQL Server)

-          if not, a form appears, where he can enter domain, username, and password and the program authenticates with the domain controller and checks  whether he is allowed to use the program or not (from the MS SQL Server)
The second part is complete, it works just fine.
The form uses post method on itself.
I tried this solution: http://www.jguru.com/forums/view.jsp?EID=393110  with small modifications. it identificates fast, but when the user logged in is not allowed, and it is forwarded to the form, the form posts null values.
I read several forums, and found out that IE wants to identificate using NTLM at every page, that's why the post params become null, but I found no solution.
I tried Jcifs NTLM Http Filter, but it throws an exception when trying to access the page from outside the domain specified in the filter Init-params.
I wonder how to catch this exception or use the jcifs library to only get the domain and username of the user logged in.
Please, if there's a solution, let me know
Thanks a lot
Laszlo Jobbagy
jobbagy.laszlo at aam.hu
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