[jcifs] Problem with jcfs and j2sdk_1.4.2_12

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Thu Aug 3 16:43:05 GMT 2006

On Thu,  3 Aug 2006 14:12:45 +0200 (CEST)
Oliver Schulze <oliver.schulze at agorum.com> wrote:

> Hallo,
> I have a problem, see that little code:
>       SmbFile file = new SmbFile(
>         "smb://user:password@server/mount/dir/");
>       file.connect();
>       String[] files = file.list();
>       if (files != null) {
>         int len = files.length;
>         for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
>           System.err.println(files[i]);
>         }
>       }
> This works great on j2sdk_1.4.2_05.
> Now I have changed to j2sdk_1.4.2_12 and the result of the list() command is, that each file comes back as "??????" in name. When I turn of useUnicode (=false) then it works, but then I have Problems with special chars like German-Umlauts. So, what is the problem with that jdk - Version ? Is this known ?

Someone reported an issue regarding the incosistent use
of UnicodeLittle and UnicodeLittleUnmarked. Try changing
src/smb/Trans2FindFirst2Response.java:~108 from UnicodeLittle to
UnicodeLittleUnmarked. Let us know what you find.


Michael B Allen
PHP Active Directory SSO

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