[jcifs] IntegraTUM WebDisk 0.13

Thomas Bley thomas.bley at simple-groupware.de
Thu Sep 15 03:27:00 GMT 2005


I've set up a new release for the IntegraTUM WebDisk (0.13).

NTLM Http Authentication and DFS are now supported.
Combining both, DFS with NTLM should also work when using different file 
servers for authentication.
To enable NTLM set "usentlm" to 1 in your web.xml
If the current share is longer than 8 characters it is automatically 
added to the tree (normally not shown).

Download is available at:

1) Extract the .zip-file.
2) Using Tomcat 5.0.x, create a new web application and point it to the
webapps directory.
Example with ba as application name:
<Context path="/ba" docBase="/usr/share/tomcat/server/webapps/ba"

Rename webapp/WEB-INF/web_default.xml to webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
3) Change the content of web.xml: Replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with the
IP-address of your file server supporting the cifs-protocol.
4) Create the temporary directory /tmp/webdisk and make it
5) Start the application and launch your browser with:

Best regards,
Thomas Bley

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