[jcifs] Hash generation

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Tue Oct 25 16:48:26 GMT 2005

Here, maybe this will help:



On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:07:05 +0000
paulo at hdfigueira.min-saude.pt wrote:

> I try to do a class that autenticates a user using NTLM (something like the NtlmHttpFilter), but I couldnt make it to work.
> After some testing I try to pass a known chalenge to the IE insted of geting it from the domain controller, and I found that the response was different from the one I would get from the NtlmPasswordAuthentication.getPreNTLMResponse() and NtlmPasswordAuthentication.getNTLMResponse() functions.
> I used the fowling code:
> public class Teste {
>  /*
>   args[0] = domainController
>   args[1] = domain
>   args[2] = username
>   args[3] = password
>  */
>  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>   UniAddress dc = UniAddress.getByName( args[0], true );
>   //byte[] challenge = SmbSession.getChallenge( dc );
>   byte[] c2 = {(byte)140, (byte)255, (byte)158, (byte)148, (byte)164, (byte)96, (byte)54, (byte)20};
>   byte[] challenge = c2;
>   for(int i=0; i<challenge.length; i++) {
>    System.out.println("   challenge["+i+"] = "+(challenge[i] & 0xFF));
>   }
>   byte[] lm = NtlmPasswordAuthentication.getPreNTLMResponse(args[3],challenge);
>   byte[] nt = NtlmPasswordAuthentication.getNTLMResponse(args[3],challenge);
>   NtlmPasswordAuthentication ntlm = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(args[1], args[2], challenge, lm, nt);
>   for(int i=0; i<lm.length; i++) {
>    System.out.println("   lm["+i+"] = "+(lm[i] & 0xFF));
>   }
>   for(int i=0; i<nt.length; i++) {
>    System.out.println("   nt["+i+"] = "+(nt[i] & 0xFF));
>   }
>   SmbSession.logon( dc, ntlm );
>  }
> }
> When using this code I get:
> ch: 140 255 158 148 164 96 54 20
> lm: 8 159 168 108 15 58 94 216 65 8 134 215 235 120 92 158 200 152 159 31 188 56 145 221
> nt: 242 230 2 106 6 75 148 28 51 66 93 36 56 223 135 13 190 94 34 199 136 214 224 95
> When passing the same chalenge (and user, pass, etc) to the IE, I get:
> ch: 140 255 158 148 164 96 54 20 
> lm: 45 38 22 10 95 8 27 63 50 63 72 63 20 63 113 58 63 63 63 31 63 56 63 63 
> nt: 90 63 107 63 63 63 63 63 10 63 63 110 104 37 35 60 81 17 63 115 102 63 63 63
> Is this normal ?
> Should'nt I get the same response ?
> Paulo Gonçalves
>  Hospital Distrital da Figueira da Foz, SA.

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