[jcifs] Re: Re: Disconnect from a share

Alexander Saupp asaupp at web.de
Fri Oct 14 12:16:08 GMT 2005


i saw two patch proposals on the mailing list - and wanted to ask kindly for a chance
to get them into one of the following versions.

	>From: Michael B Allen <mba2000 <at> ioplex.com>
	>Subject: Re: Disconnect from a share
	>Newsgroups: gmane.network.samba.java
	>Date: 2005-08-12 20:21:22 GMT (8 weeks, 6 days, 15 hours and 22 minutes ago)

	>On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 14:23:41 +0200
	>Mathias Dietz <MDIETZ <at> de.ibm.com> wrote:

	>> After some debugging (comparing tcp packages from smbclient with jcifs), I
	>> found two causes for the "Broken Pipe" error.
	>> 1) doDisconnect() sends a LogoffAndX packet and doesn't wait for the
	>> response.
	>>    This causes a server error message (Error writing xx bytes to client).
	>>    Solution: In SMBSession.logoff(boolean) replace
	>>        transport.send( request, null );
	>>       with
	>>        transport.send( request, new SmbComLogoffAndX(null));

	>Ok, I think I see what's happening. But first, note that second
	>parameter to SmbTransport.send() is actually a response object so
	>passing an SmbComLogoffAndX is invalid. You got lucky because the
	>SmbComLogoffAndXResponse decodes no data. A more appropriate object
	>would be SmbComBlankResponse.

	>But passing null to the transport indicates that it should not to wait
	>for the response. This is slightly faster since we can move on to other
	>things rather than sit there collecting a logging off response which
	>has no useful information in it.

	>The problem is that first of "other things" is to close the socket but
	>apparently Samba hasn't written it's response yet so when it tries to
	>do so it get's an error (albeit a harmless one).

I would be very interessted to have the Patch Michael proposed inside - putting
a 'new SmbComBlankResponse()' instead of null avoids that nasty errors Mathias mentioned.
Any chance to get that fix into one of the next versions?


	>> I'm still very interessted in a disconnect() method , because I use jcifs
	>> to monitor multiple samba servers (up to 100).
	>> And I must create a new connection each 10-15 seconds.A disconnect() method
	>> would help to save a lot of
	>> resources (# of threads) und would make life easier.

	>Again, the proper solution here is to add refcounting to the
	>transport. That way you can leave soTimeout at 15 seconds (actually in
	>your case you would probably want to make it 5 seconds) but when a request
	>is outstanding on the transport it cannot be closed. That change is too
	>invasive for me to add to mainline while we're in a stable period so
	>you might elect to simply extend SmbFile to add your disconnect() method.


Is there a JCIFS roadmap showing in which version / around what time its planned to have the
refcounting feature? Is that something you are working on allready? 
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