[jcifs] NtlmHttpFilter: Apparent Tomcat conflict witherrorCode=401

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Thu Jun 16 17:31:13 GMT 2005


Please ask the Tomcat people. Many people use WWW-Authenticate: NTLM |
Negotiate authentication which sends errorcodes with each message during
the negotiation. Therefore the servlet container must provide a mechanism
for handling this.


On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 15:50:33 +0200
Florian Kolbe <Florian.Kolbe at in-gmbh.de> wrote:

> Since I don't know how to deactivate the error page handling
> for Status 401, I guess we have to stick with the flushBuffer().
> To avoid the annoying log message, I added
>    <category name="org.apache.coyote.Response"> 
>      <priority value="FATAL"/> 
>    </category> 
> to log4j.xml.
> But there is light at the end of the tunnel:
> From:
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.5-doc/changelog.html
> Tomcat 5.5.3:
> "When checking status codes for error handling, only check if
> Response.isError() is true. This way, users may use setStatus() to set their
> own error status without having the error page invoked. (in which case, the
> user should've use sendError())"
> So it looks like this is fixed with Tomcat 5.5.3 and above.
> Regards,
>   Florian

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