[jcifs] how to authenticate windows 2003 using jcifs.

Praveen Munukuru Praveen.Munukuru at harmonicinc.com
Wed Jun 9 23:38:07 GMT 2004

Hi Guys,

I am very new to JCIFS.

We are using jcifs-0.7.3.jar for to authenticate windows 2000 and 
struts frame work for java applications.
Now our company is upgrading windows from 2000 to 2003.
Please guide me, what I have to do make it work with windows 2003.

We are keeping .java.login.config in windows documents directory.

Our web xml looks like this:

        <filter-name>NTLM HTTP Authentication Filter</filter-name>


        <filter-name>NTLM HTTP Authentication Filter</filter-name>

Thanks In advance.


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