[jcifs] Issue listing "smb://"

Eric Glass eric.glass at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 09:13:33 GMT 2004

> If there is a default workgroup name given, then the correct mechanism
> would be to query for domain<1D> and use the workgroup's own LMB first. If
> there is no default workgroup name (o jcifs.smb.client.domain is
> specified) try __MSBROWSE__ and ask any LMB.  If there's no LMB for any
> workgroup on the local wire--or if in 'P' mode, then:
> If there's a default domain name given, try contacting domain<1B>.  If
> that fails, or if there's no default workgroup/domain name given, then
> query the NBNS for *<1B>.  This last is a desparate move.  *If* the NBNS
> is a Samba server, you'll get back a list of IPs for all known DMBs for
> all known domains/workgroups.  Query one or more of those for the browse
> list.

So, to summarize, the "most ideal" process would be:

1) If jcifs.smb.client.domain is specified, query domain<1D> to get
the LMB for that workgroup.

2) If no results from above (or if jcifs.smb.client.domain is not
specified), try __MSBROWSE__ to get a LMB for any workgroup.

3) If no results from above, and if jcifs.smb.client.domain is
specifed, query domain<1B> for the DMB.

4) If no results from above, as a last ditch attempt query *<1B> for
all known DMBs (only works with Samba).



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