[jcifs] Re: Tridge's PIDL compiler and the Samba4 IDLs.

Michael B Allen mba2000 at ioplex.com
Fri Aug 13 02:14:49 GMT 2004

Michael B Allen said:
> [1] LangType primatives are loaded from a text file called
> symtab<lang>.txt (e.g. symtabjava.txt)

Correction. All properties of primative types are loaded from the symbol
table file. Below is symtabjava.txt. I see I need to add lines for float
and double.



# idlc primative type symbol table
# fields are as follows separated by tabs:
#   idl type (e.g. unsigned long long)
#   out type (e.g. long)
#   ndr type (e.g. hyper)
#   ndr size (e.g. 8)

char    byte    char    1
unsigned char   byte    char    1

short   short   short   2
unsigned short  short   short   2

int     int     long    4
unsigned int    int     long    4
long    int     long    4
unsigned long   int     long    4

long long       long    hyper   8
unsigned long long      long    hyper   8

void    Object  void    0
char_t  short   short   2

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