[jcifs] jCIFS breaks posts to ASP pages

eglass1 at comcast.net eglass1 at comcast.net
Tue Apr 20 08:28:55 GMT 2004

> I would need to get the front page of the ASP applications to remove the NTLM 
> header using the trick you refer to and then redirect back to itself to start 
> the application, but it fails to do so. I tried both
> Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized";
> and
> Response.Status = "403 Forbidden";
> As soon as I then submit my ASP form the NTLM authorisation header appears 
> again. I appreciate that this is related to ASP programming which I am not that 
> au fait with either, but presumably this should do the same thing as the JSP 
> version.

Hm.  It may be that the 401 must be sent for the final leg of the NTLM
handshake itself; you could test this by doing response.setStatus(401) in the
page being filtered.  That would actually make sense, because the client would
assume that NTLM was never completed successfully in the first place.


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