[jcifs] NTLM authentication performance

Mark Orciuch mark_orciuch at ngsltd.com
Sat May 17 03:28:33 EST 2003

RE: [jcifs] NTLM authentication performanceNathan,

Thanks for your reply. It's an idea worth trying. If I understand this
correctly, you suggest that I create a servlet mapping:



I guess the NTLMServlet would have to store authenticated username in the
session so the Turbine servlet could retrieve it and do its own internal
login. I'm a little concerned about the url-pattern to specify for my
filter. If I don't want to execute this filter every time, then I would have
to set it to something like "/portal/index.jsp". But if that is the case,
bookmarking of other links within the portal may quit working. I guess I'll
have to try it.

Thanks again for your suggestion.

Best regards,

Mark Orciuch - morciuch at apache.org
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Nathan Zentner [mailto:Nathan.Zentner at paccoast.com]
  Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 12:03 PM
  To: 'Mark Orciuch'
  Subject: RE: [jcifs] NTLM authentication performance


          You can copy the code that is in the filter and add it to a
Servlet of you choice, maybe the landing page.  This should keep the
authitication from happening everytime a browser connects to the server.
The filter gives a config that you setup so that it only checks on the
<url-patten>.  If this has * in it then it will check for each page.  I have
copied the code to a servlet, because I also support netscape and don't want
it to throw a 401 error.  I then created a login page for those netscape
users so that they can use the domain username and password to login.

  Hope this helps at least a little.

  Nathan Zentner.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Mark Orciuch [mailto:mark_orciuch at ngsltd.com]
  Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 9:48 AM
  To: jcifs at lists.samba.org
  Subject: [jcifs] NTLM authentication performance

  I am trying to use the NTLM authentication using jcifs in Jetspeed portal.
  The portal performs well when domain controller is set to a local machine
  (same one running the portal). Local machine runs Tomcat 3.3.1a (servlet
  2.2). However, when deployed in the production-like environment, there's
  substantial performance degradation.

  Production environment uses IBM WebSphere 3.5.6 (servlet API 2.2) and
  therefore I cannot use the NtlmHttpFilter. One thing that I noticed is
  the authentication takes place more than once per session. I'm not sure if
  it's the Turbine architecture (Jetspeed is built on top of Turbine) that's
  causing this. I think that this happens when I do a POST and Turbine does
  some redirection. At that point, I have to logon again. I hope this makes

  Are there any tips to speed things up? Perhaps some properties to set.
  you in advance for any help.

  Best regards,

  Mark Orciuch - morciuch at apache.org
  Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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