[jcifs] Alternative to jcifs.http.NtlmHttpFilter

Michael Piscatello mpiscatello at directvinternet.com
Thu Oct 17 22:33:28 EST 2002


Thank you very much. I will try it today in our environment.

Thanks again,


On 10/17/02 5:00 AM, "Glass, Eric" <eric.glass at capitalone.com> wrote:

> Attached is a servlet which uses the 0.7.0b4 NTLM stuff to do authentication
> -- this should work in pre-2.3 Servlet environments.  It only overrides the
> "service" method, so if you are just implementing doGet, doPost, etc. it
> should be a drop in replacement for HttpServlet;  i.e., you can just change:
> public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet
>   to:
> public class MyServlet extends NtlmServlet
> and be up and going.  You would set all the jcifs.* parameters (domain
> controller, etc.) via the servlet's initparameters (similar to the filter
> configuration in 2.3+ environments).
> See also the notes just posted to the list regarding 0.7.0b4.  If you don't
> subscribe to the list the message in question is here:
> http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/jcifs/2002-October/002693.html
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Allen, Michael B (RSCH) [mailto:Michael_B_Allen at ml.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:27 AM
>> To: 'Michael Piscatello'; jcifs at lists.samba.org
>> Subject: RE: [jcifs] Alternative to jcifs.http.NtlmHttpFilter
>> I just noticed you said "pop-up". Do you mean the
>> authentication dialog? NTLM
>> SSP negotiates user password hashes on the fly. There's no
>> need for a dialog.
>> Not sure why you would want the dialog to come up but just in
>> case, you can get it
>> to come up if send "401 Unauthorized / WWW-Authenticate:
>> NTLM" again *after you
>> have already negotiated password hashes once*. But you'll
>> have to read about how
>> NTLM HTTP Authentication actually works before you get that
>> far. Read the end of this:
>> http://jcifs.samba.org/src/docs/ntlmhttpauth.html for starters.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:    Michael Piscatello
>> [SMTP:mpiscatello at directvinternet.com]
>>> Sent:    Wednesday, October 16, 2002 8:21 AM
>>> To:    Allen, Michael B (RSCH); jcifs at lists.samba.org
>>> Subject:    Re: [jcifs] Alternative to jcifs.http.NtlmHttpFilter
>>> Mike,
>>> Thanks! RSN? I did try to adapt it, but it does not bring
>> up the NTLM
>>> challenge box. It returns, null and then after refreshing,
>> brings back the
>>> credentials, But I need the pop-up. Here is my code.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike
>>> import java.io.IOException;
>>> import java.io.PrintWriter;
>>> import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
>>> import javax.servlet.ServletException;
>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
>>> import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
>>> import jcifs.UniAddress;
>>> import jcifs.netbios.NbtAddress;
>>> import jcifs.smb.SmbSession;
>>> import jcifs.util.Base64;
>>> import jcifs.http.NtlmHttpSession;
>>> public class jcifstest extends HttpServlet {
>>>     public void doPost(
>>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
>>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
>>>         throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException {
>>>         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
>>>         ServletContext context = getServletContext();
>>>         String domainController = "";
>>>         String domain = "HOMEDOM";
>>>         boolean debug = true;
>>>         HttpServletRequest req;
>>>         HttpServletResponse resp;
>>>         HttpSession ssn;
>>>         NtlmHttpSession ntlm;
>>>         String msg;
>>>         byte[] src;
>>>         try {
>>>             req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
>>>             resp = (HttpServletResponse) response;
>>>             ssn = req.getSession(); /* Retrive the NTLM session
>>>             */
>>>             ntlm = (NtlmHttpSession)
>> ssn.getAttribute("NtlmHttpSession");
>>>             msg = req.getHeader("Authorization");
>>>             if (msg == null || msg.startsWith("NTLM ") == false) {
>>>                 resp.reset();
>>>                 resp.setContentLength(0);
>>>                 resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM");
>>>                 resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);
>>>                 resp.flushBuffer();
>>>                 return;
>>>             }
>>>             src = Base64.decode(msg.substring(5));
>>>             if (src[8] == 1) {
>>>                 String svr;
>>>                 byte[] dst = new byte[40];
>>>                 ntlm = new NtlmHttpSession();
>>>                 /* Message 1
>>>                  */
>>>                 ntlm.decodeType1Message(src);
>>>                 ssn.setAttribute("ntlmworkgroup", ntlm.domain);
>>>                 /* If a "Domain Contoller" IP was not
>> specified try and
>>> lookup
>>>                  * a real domain controller using
>> jcifs.smb.client.domain
>>>                  */
>>>                 if ((svr = domainController) == null) {
>>>                     svr = domain != null ? domain : ntlm.domain;
>>>                     svr = NbtAddress.getByName(svr, 0x1c,
>>> null).getHostAddress();
>>>                 }
>>>                 ntlm.domainController = UniAddress.getByName(svr);
>>>                 ntlm.challenge =
>>> SmbSession.getChallenge(ntlm.domainController);
>>>                 /* Message 2
>>>                  */
>>>                 msg = Base64.encodeBytes(dst, 0,
>>> ntlm.encodeType2Message(dst));
>>>                 /* Save NTLM session in HTTP session
>>>                  */
>>>                 ssn.setAttribute("NtlmHttpSession", ntlm);
>>>                 resp.reset();
>>>                 resp.setContentLength(0);
>>>                 resp.setHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM " + msg);
>>>                 resp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);
>>>                 resp.flushBuffer();
>>>                 return;
>>>             } else
>>>                 if (src[8] == 3) { /* Message 3
>>>                 */
>>> ntlm.decodeType3Message(Base64.decode(msg.substring(5)));
>>>                 } else {
>>>                     throw new ServletException("NTLM HTTP
>> Authentication
>>> message invalid");
>>>                 }
>>>             SmbSession.logon(ntlm.domainController, ntlm.auth);
>>>             ssn.setAttribute("ntlmdomain", ntlm.domain);
>>>             ssn.setAttribute("ntlmuser", ntlm.user);
>>>             ssn.setAttribute("ntlmhost", ntlm.host);
>>>             if (debug) {
>>>                 context.log(
>>>                     "NTLM HTTP Autentication successfull: "
>>>                         + ntlm.domain
>>>                         + "\\"
>>>                         + ntlm.user
>>>                         + "@"
>>>                         + ntlm.host);
>>>             }
>>>             out.print("ntdomain: " +
>> ssn.getAttribute("ntlmdomain"));
>>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>>             out.print("An Error has occured: " + e.getMessage());
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     public void doGet(
>>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
>>>         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
>>>         throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException {
>>>         doPost(request, response);
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> On 10/15/02 9:55 PM, "Allen, Michael B (RSCH)"
>> <Michael_B_Allen at ml.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> The code is pretty simple. I don't think it would be hard
>> to adapt it.
>>>> Actually
>>>> the current code is somewhat flawed and more complicated
>> than it needs to
>>>> be. The 0.7.0b4 package will be released RSN. Look at that.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From:    Michael Piscatello
>> [SMTP:mpiscatello at directvinternet.com]
>>>>> Sent:    Tuesday, October 15, 2002 9:53 PM
>>>>> To:    jcifs at lists.samba.org
>>>>> Subject:    [jcifs] Alternative to jcifs.http.NtlmHttpFilter
>>>>> Help! I need the functionality of the NtlmHttpFilter but
>> I am stuck with a
>>>>> 2.2 Servlet spec app server (Websphere) Has anyone replicated the
>>>>> functionality of the NtlmHttpFilter in a servlet?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Mike
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