[jcifs] NTLM Standalone Authentication

Joseph Kezar jkezar at romz.no-ip.com
Tue Oct 1 03:36:52 EST 2002

Thanks Eric!
    That worked great for our needs.  I am curious why the API tells 
developers to avoid using the class SmbSession.
And why does the API documentation say this: "This class will be hidden 
from the distribution API documentation at some time in the future. "?

Is jCIFS mainly for tomcat/resin support?  I write alot of standalone 
applications that require some sort of password authtication(against a 
PDC) and this seems to do the trick.  

Glass, Eric wrote:

>Look at SmbSession.logon, something like this:
>NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth =
>        new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("domain", "username", "password");
>UniAddress dc = UniAddress.getByName("pdcname");
>try {
>    SmbSession.logon(dc, auth);
>    return true;
>} catch (SmbException ex) {
>    return false;
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Joseph Kezar [mailto:jkezar at doc.state.vt.us]
>>Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 12:47 PM
>>To: jcifs at lists.samba.org
>>Subject: [jcifs] NTLM Standalone Authentication
>>Is there an abstract method to authenticate against a PDC/BDC 
>>and get a 
>>boolean value as it return?
>>Something like:
>>boolean canIProceed = 
>>if(canIProceed) {
>>  System.out.println("I authenticated successfuly!");
>>} else {
>>  System.out.println("The PDC/BDC rejected your login");
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