[jcifs] Incorrect type set by listFiles()

Michael B. Allen miallen at eskimo.com
Sat Nov 16 15:50:46 EST 2002

On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 01:23:12 -0600
dircha at bethel.edu wrote:

> I am encountering this error with both jcifs 0.7.0b7 and 0.7.0b8:
> The value returned by jcifs.smb.SmbFile.getType() differs for an SmbFile object
> returned from jcifs.smb.SmbFile.listFiles() and an SmbFile object constructed
> with the same path as that returned in the results of listFiles().
> Example:
> "smb://BG/SharedDocs/"
> Where "BG" is a computer on the network and "SharedDocs" is a share on "BG".
> SmbFile file = new SmbFile("smb://BG/SharedDocs/");
> file.getType() correctly reports the path as representing a type of TYPE_SHARE
> file.listFiles() correctly gives me a list of folders on the share (which each
> correctly have a type of TYPE_FILESYSTEM)
> SmbFile file = new SmbFile("smb://BG/");
> file.getType() correctly reports the path as representing TYPE_SERVER
> SmbFile[] files = file.listFiles() is successful
> files[2].getPath() correctly gives "smb://BG/SharedDocs/"
> files[2].getType() INCORRECTLY gives TYPE_FILESYSTEM
> files[2].listFiles() INCORRECTLY throws a jcifs.smb.SmbException with the
> message "Invalid operation for IPC serviceInvalid operation for IPC service"
> The workaround I have been using currently is to create new SmbFile objects with
> the values returned by getPath() from the SmbFile objects returned by
> listFiles(). This works.

Ok. So it's pretty messed up. I don't have a test example for this sort
of thing. But it shoudn't be too hard to fix I think. Will do.

> Let me know if you want additional details, or if you want me to try other tests.
> --Chad Dirks

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