[jcifs] SmbSession.matches

Manfred Huberbauer made at gmx.at
Wed Aug 21 00:31:30 EST 2002


I tested your Library on Tomcat for an Internet-Authentification with
Netscape or Konqueror. Tomcat often returned a NullPointerException and pointed at
the function SmbSession.matches().
In this function you do some tests, but I think, you forgot to test, if all
of them are null. You just test, if one of two is null. Therefore I added a
line, which consideres that.
My matches lookes like this:

boolean matches( NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth, byte[] challenge ) {
        return (auth.domain != null && auth.username != null) &&
               (this.auth.domain == null || auth.domain.equals(
this.auth.domain )) &&
               (this.auth.username == null || auth.username.equals(
this.auth.username )) &&
               this.auth.hashEquals( auth.getUnicodeHash( challenge ),
challenge );

It doesn't bother if this.auth.domain or this.auth.username are null, but it

Manfred Madritsch

GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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