[jcifs] SMB URL @ CIFS Conference

Allen, Michael B (RSCH) Michael_B_Allen at ml.com
Wed Aug 22 09:02:42 EST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	James Nord [SMTP:teilo at teilo.net]
> What can a CIFS client do that a SMB client can not (and vice versa)
	Nothing. This is just a terminology issue. I'm of the opinion that SMB
	is the technical name for the type of transport used with the CIFS
	protocol -- Transactions, RAP functions, Named Pipes, etc are all
	implemented over SMB. However, CIFS is the newer more all encompassing
	name for the protocol as a whole and people are starting to use the cifs://
	prefix. The whole thing is a little unfortunate because supporting both
	interchangably creates confusion and programmatic problems (e.g. create
	an object with smb:// and then compare it with an object created with
	cifs:// ?). Also, implementations will no doubt choose to attach meaning to
	one or the other (e.g. Chris has advocated cifs:// be used to indicate
	NetBIOSless transport).


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