[distcc] Distributed Compiling with multiple targets

Erik Rull erik.rull at rdsoftware.de
Mon Dec 2 12:08:55 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I used distcc some years ago already. Then computing power grew and I wasn't in the need of using it.
Meanwhile I have multiple gcc versions and processor type targets (with different compiler versions) that make the compilation lasting long again.
In earlier days I asserted that all distcc slaves were equipped with a single gcc and they had the same version as the host.
Regarding each architecture, I can guarantee that. But each processor architecture as a different GCC running, so there is no "common" gcc call for all target systems because they are located in different build environments on the machines.
How can I parameterize distcc so that this can be resolved? I would need e.g. for each gcc compilation a different path that each slave would know.

I didn't find an easy solution for that or I didn't see find the right sections in the manual :-)

I know where each compiler is for each architecture on each slave, I just need to know how to connect them properly with distcc...

Thanks a lot.

Best regards,


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