[distcc] about distcc's scheduling

Francois Berenger berenger at riken.jp
Mon Nov 23 18:19:18 MST 2009


Is there a way to use a pull scheduler instead of a push scheduler 
inside distcc?

I have many compiling hosts and when they join a compiling job, they are
not enough loaded, at least to my taste. Meaning: they could compile 
more things and I could wait less for them to finish.

I think the problem is that the scheduler is pushing: the distcc server 
sends jobs to distcc compiling hosts.

Instead, I would like this behavior: distcc compiling hosts ask and take 
jobs as long as they are not completely loaded with compilation jobs.
The distcc server should distribute jobs to whom asks for.

This should scale better.

If there is no way now to do so but you can give me some hint on how to
do so (where to look, what to modify, etc.), it might be helpful.

Best regards,

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