[distcc] Exploit in distcc ( got compromised ;( )

Sylvain Munaut tnt at 246tnt.com
Fri Aug 27 07:33:28 GMT 2004


>I'm sorry your machine got compromised.
>As Alexandre said, since distcc is basically a remote shell, once
>people are allowed to open a connection they can do pretty much
>whatever they want inside that userid.
Yes, I should have RTFM ... I just read the description, and did emerge 
distcc ;)
Now at least I've learnt something.

>I have updated this to make it more clear:
>  http://distcc.samba.org/security.html
>Do you think that text is OK, or should more be said?
Well, that's clear ;)

>Google finds this attack code
>  http://www.metasploit.com/projects/Framework/modules/exploits/distcc_exec.pm
>You can see it is more a matter of malice than genius.
Yes, from what he has done, he (she?) was planning on setting up a warez 
ftp server. But since it's a router with about 1Gb free space he 
wouldn't have gotten far.
He just tried a ptrace root exploit which failed and probably gave up, 
searching for another target.

>If they didn't get root on your machine then there may be a log
>message telling you the IP of the connection.  You can use that to
>trace back to the attack and complain to their network and/or the
>police (not that they generally seem to care).
Yes, If only I noticed it one day before ... Metalog default is to keep 
log max 86400 seconds ...

>I'd like to make it safer by default; but the protocol probably needs
>to use plain TCP for performance.  Here are some ideas.  What do
>people here think?
> - Make --allow mandatory; you have to say which networks are trusted
Yes that would be a good ide IMHO. Or, if it bother too much people, 
just put the private IP ranges in it by default.

> - Use a cleartext shared password; not much protection against 
>   local attackers but it might have helped in this case.
A good configuration was the correct solution.

> - Work on making SSH more useful, though it will probably never be
>   really fast
> - Add weaker built-in encryption; this feels wrong
Yes, if encryption/strong auth is wanted, ssh is the way to go but of 
course that's a significant overhead.

> - Encourage people to choose nonstandard ports
Mmh, I personally don't like when changing standard app from their 
standard port ...

> - Try to vet the command line; allow only particular commands.  It's
>   not enough to just say "only run gcc" because an attacker might try to
>   send output to a file.  This couldn't give total protection but it
>   might help.

I think the "deny by default" is a good choice because if the user want 
to make it work with external networks, he has to read the doc and so he 
WILL be aware of what it's doing.


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