[distcc] Problems with distcc

Anton ai at ugcs.caltech.edu
Tue Aug 5 00:14:44 GMT 2003

I am trying to compile XFree86 (XDirectFB actually) with distcc.  I am
running Debian woody stable on i386.  I built distcc from source on my
machine, as well as on the remote hosts (which are the same version of
Debian).  I have 8 hosts in my ~/.distcc/hosts file.  The make command
line is: "make -j16 CC=distcc World".  I have two issues:

1. distcc uses only the first host from the hosts file.  Sample output of
 13275  Compile     XEConTxt.c                                     localhost
Besides localhost, other hosts are accessed with ssh.  Here is a sample
If I remove localhost from the first position in the hosts file, distcc is
able to use the first remove hosts without problems.  I tried both space
and newline as separators in the file.

2.  make runs C++ jobs with 'c++' command that distcc does not pick up.
What do I need to do to make C++ jobs fall under distcc?

Any suggestions? Thanks.


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