[distcc] Preprocessed output to make's stdout instead of to remote distccd

Terry Griffin terryg at axian.com
Tue Oct 1 02:45:01 GMT 2002

> On 30 Sep 2002, Terry Griffin <terryg at axian.com> wrote:
>> > On 30 Sep 2002, Terry Griffin <terryg at axian.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Any ideas? What make, gcc, or distcc option/feature/bug
>> >> would cause this?
>> >
>> > I suspect you're probably using some kind of gcc command line that
>> distcc doesn't understand yet.
>> >
>> > Can you please post the DCC_VERBOSE=1 output, or at least the
>> command line that Make is running?  Just the trace for one file that
>> fails in this way should be enough.
>> >
>> Here's the preprocessing command with a bunch of -include's and -I's
>> removed for brevity:
>> distcc[18403] (dcc_set_output) command after: g++3 -MMD -E -g -Wall
>> -Wno-unused -Wmissing-declarations -Woverloaded-virtual -Winline
>> "-DOS="Linux"" "-DOS_REL="2.4.18-10"" "-DOS_DIST="Red Hat""
>> "-DOS_DIST_REL="7.3"" Graph.C -o
>> /tmp/distcc_0000010a/cppout_0000018403.i
> That line by itself looks reasonable.  Can you post the whole log
> please?

Not without a lot of hassle. It's astounding how much is revealed about
the project just by looking at the logs, information possibly of use to
my client's competitors. I'll have to get permission. I'll see what I
can do.

In the mean time, building distcc with distcc exhibits the exact same
problem. Can we work it from that angle? Is that a known issue or is it
just me? That would suggest something in my environment. Below is make's
stderr from trying to build just clinet.o from distcc-0.11/src with
this command:

        make -j2 CC=distcc clinet.o

Also below is the log from the server side.

*** DISTCC environment on the client (chinook) ***

** make's stderr on client ***
distcc[17692] (dcc_scan_args) scanning arguments: cc -g -O2 -W -Wall
-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -MMD -c -o clinet.o clinet.c
distcc[17692] (dcc_scan_args) found object file "clinet.o"
distcc[17692] (dcc_scan_args) found input file "clinet.c"
distcc[17692] compile from clinet.c to clinet.o
distcc[17692] (dcc_parse_hosts) found tcp token "nezperce"
distcc[17692] (dcc_try_lock_host) locked
distcc[17692] (dcc_pick_buildhost) building on nezperce
distcc[17692] (dcc_set_output) changed output from "clinet.o" to
distcc[17692] (dcc_set_output) command after: cc -g -O2 -W -Wall -Wshadow
-Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -MMD -E -o
/tmp/distcc_000003e8/cppout_0000017692.i clinet.c
distcc[17692] (dcc_spawn_child) forking to execute cc -g -O2 -W -Wall
-Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -MMD -E -o
/tmp/distcc_000003e8/cppout_0000017692.i clinet.c
distcc[17692] (dcc_spawn_child) child started as pid17693
distcc[17692] (dcc_strip_local_args) result: cc -g -O2 -W -Wall -Wshadow
-Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -c -o clinet.o clinet.c
distcc[17693] (dcc_try_lock_host) locked
distcc[17692] exec on nezperce: cc -g -O2 -W -Wall -Wshadow
-Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -c -o clinet.o clinet.c
distcc[17693] (dcc_lock_local) got lock on localhost
distcc[17692] (dcc_open_socket_out) client got connection to nezperce port
4200 on fd4
distcc[17692] (dcc_collect_child) child 17693 terminated with status 0
distcc[17692] (dcc_report_rusage) cpp resource usage: 0.110000s user,
0.020000s system
distcc[17692] cpp on chinook completed ok
distcc[17692] (dcc_x_file) send 0 byte file
/tmp/distcc_000003e8/cppout_0000017692.i with token DOTI
distcc[17692] (dcc_send_job) client finished sending request to server
distcc[17692] (dcc_r_result_header) got response header
distcc[17692] (dcc_r_file) received 2112 bytes to file clinet.o
distcc[17692] cc on nezperce completed ok
distcc[17692] (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self: 0.000000 user 0.020000 sys;
children: 0.110000 user 0.020000 sys

*** distccd log on server ***
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_inetd_server) inetd server
started (version 0.11, built Sep 2
9 2002 17:29:00)
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_log_clientname) connection
from chinook.griffint.bogus (192.1
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_accept_job) got arguments: cc
-g -O2 -W -Wall -Wshadow -Wpoin
ter-arith -Wcast-align -c -o clinet.o clinet.c
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: compile from clinet.c to clinet.o
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: input file clinet.c, output file
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_server_compile) input file is
0 bytes
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_r_fifo) received 0 bytes to
fifo /tmp/distcc_00000063/server_
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_report_rusage) cc resource
usage: 0.020000s user, 0.000000s s
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: cc on nezperce.griffint.bogus
completed ok
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_accept_job) complete; output
file: 2112 bytes
Sep 30 19:30:19 nezperce distccd[1764]: (dcc_exit) exit: code 0; self:
0.010000 user 0.000000 sys; childre
n: 0.020000 user 0.000000 sys

Terry Griffin
Axian Inc.

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