[cifs-protocol] Trying to let a Windows client use MS-SWN against a samba cluster #Q6- TrackingID#2311070040010094

Stefan Metzmacher metze at samba.org
Fri Apr 19 13:26:18 UTC 2024

Hello Sreekanth and others,

currently I don't have time to follow up on all other questions, but this one is actually important.

I would hope that you might forward to the product team.
As it would be extremely useful if windows clients could be changed in order to
avoid logging  Event ID:      30900 and Event ID:      30613 for each open
if the server announces SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CONTINUOUS_AVAILABILITY but not
SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES. See below for the details.

I think in that situation a single log event after a tree connect would be useful as warning,
but doing that on every single open (as all opens will downgrade a requested persistent handle to a durable handle)
is complete overkill.

This will likely make windows client customers very unhappy if they
connect to Samba 4.20 based fileserver clusters.

Thanks for any possible help.

>> below is the answer to your question #6. Let me know your thoughts.
> Thanks for the response!
>> Please note that section did not say MUST. It only uses SHOULD. Also, the wording of the section does NOT imply that when requesting durable handle, one cannot 
>> request handle caching if TreeConnect.IsCAShare is FALSE.
> And in fact I have captures showing that Windows server 2022 acting as a client requests with the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT and also an RHW leaveV2.
>> A client can request both Persistence and Lease (with handle caching enabled). Protocol(or windows) server does not deny granting both persistence and lease, when the 
>> requirements are met.
>  >
>> Protocol says that in order to request durable open, client should either set SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit in the Flags field of Durable_V2 create context or request 
>> for handle caching with Lease create context.
>> If the share is a CA share (in a Failover Cluster configuration), client can request for handle persistency by setting  SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit which provides 
>> transparent failover.
>> Please look at the doc snip from section, where both TreeConnect.Share.IsCA (SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CONTINUOUS_AVAILABILITY)  and SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES  
>> are required in order to set Open.IsPersistent to TRUE.  This is a server requirement though.
> Yes, the server is clear how our server will behave, but that case is never possible on a windows server (which always implements both features).
>> On the client side, it is imperative that CA shares will require persistence handles to work with. In other words, for the server to grant persistent handle on an open, 
>> In the "Successful Open Initialization" phase, if the underlying object store does not grant durability, the server MUST skip the rest of the processing in this section. 
>> Otherwise, the server MUST set Open.IsDurable to TRUE. The server MUST also set Open.DurableOwner to a security descriptor accessible only by the user represented by 
>> Open.Session.SecurityContext. If the SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit is set in the Flags field of the request, TreeConnect.Share.IsCA is TRUE, and 
>> Connection.ServerCapabilities includes SMB2_GLOBAL_CAP_PERSISTENT_HANDLES, the server MUST set Open.IsPersistent to TRUE.
> Yes, that's clear.
> But it means the client will spam its event log (SMBClient->Operational) with messages like this
> for every single open:
>> Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Operational
>> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient
>> Date:          22.12.2023 13:41:18
>> Event ID:      30900
>> Task Category: None
>> Level:         Warning
>> Keywords:      (16)
>> User:          W2022-L7\Administrator
>> Computer:      w2022-118.w2022-l7.base
>> Description:
>> The handle was created without persistence.
>> File ID: 0xB90243FF:0x5367F848
>> CreateGUID: {80c941d9-a0bd-11ee-81fc-000000090118}
>> Path: \ubcluster.w2022-l7.base\shm
>> Guidance:
>> The server supports Continuous Availability (persistent handles) and the request to create the handle succeeded. However, the server did not grant persistence. You should 
>> verify that the Resume Key Filter is running on the server and is attached to the target volume.
>> Event Xml:
>> <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
>>   <System>
>>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient" Guid="{988c59c5-0a1c-45b6-a555-0c62276e327d}" />
>>     <EventID>30900</EventID>
>>     <Version>2</Version>
>>     <Level>3</Level>
>>     <Task>0</Task>
>>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>>     <Keywords>0x2000000000000010</Keywords>
>>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2023-12-22T12:41:18.6300118Z" />
>>     <EventRecordID>335</EventRecordID>
>>     <Correlation />
>>     <Execution ProcessID="1616" ThreadID="4712" />
>>     <Channel>Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Operational</Channel>
>>     <Computer>w2022-118.w2022-l7.base</Computer>
>>     <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-133451344-1126667713-3548050118-500" />
>>   </System>
>>   <EventData>
>>     <Data Name="Object">0xffffb68432192080</Data>
>>     <Data Name="PersistentFID">3103933439</Data>
>>     <Data Name="VolatileFID">1399322696</Data>
>>     <Data Name="CreateGUID">{80c941d9-a0bd-11ee-81fc-000000090118}</Data>
>>     <Data Name="OldState">3</Data>
>>     <Data Name="NewState">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="Status">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="Reason">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ShareNameLength">28</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ShareName">\ubcluster.w2022-l7.base\shm</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ObjectNameLength">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ObjectName">
>>     </Data>
>>     <Data Name="PreviousStatus">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="PreviousReason">0</Data>
>>   </EventData>
>> </Event>
> And/or:
>> Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Operational
>> Source:        Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient
>> Date:          22.12.2023 18:28:09
>> Event ID:      30613
>> Task Category: None
>> Level:         Error
>> Keywords:      (16)
>> User:          W2022-L7\Administrator
>> Computer:      w2022-118.w2022-l7.base
>> Description:
>> Failed to open a persistent handle.
>> Error: The network path cannot be located.
>> CreateGUID: {80c94430-a0bd-11ee-81fc-000000090118}
>> Path: \ubcluster.w2022-l7.base\shm
>> Reason: Smb2DiagReasonNetworkConnect
>> Guidance:
>> A persistent handle allows transparent failover on Windows File Server clusters. This event has many causes and does not always indicate an issue with SMB. Review online 
>> documentation for troubleshooting information.
>> Event Xml:
>> <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
>>   <System>
>>     <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient" Guid="{988c59c5-0a1c-45b6-a555-0c62276e327d}" />
>>     <EventID>30613</EventID>
>>     <Version>0</Version>
>>     <Level>2</Level>
>>     <Task>0</Task>
>>     <Opcode>0</Opcode>
>>     <Keywords>0x2000000000000010</Keywords>
>>     <TimeCreated SystemTime="2023-12-22T17:28:09.8627152Z" />
>>     <EventRecordID>345</EventRecordID>
>>     <Correlation />
>>     <Execution ProcessID="1616" ThreadID="2856" />
>>     <Channel>Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Operational</Channel>
>>     <Computer>w2022-118.w2022-l7.base</Computer>
>>     <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-133451344-1126667713-3548050118-500" />
>>   </System>
>>   <EventData>
>>     <Data Name="Object">0xffffb6842f0241d0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="PersistentFID">18446744073709551615</Data>
>>     <Data Name="VolatileFID">18446744073709551615</Data>
>>     <Data Name="CreateGUID">{80c94430-a0bd-11ee-81fc-000000090118}</Data>
>>     <Data Name="OldState">3</Data>
>>     <Data Name="NewState">9</Data>
>>     <Data Name="Status">3221225662</Data>
>>     <Data Name="Reason">4</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ShareNameLength">28</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ShareName">\ubcluster.w2022-l7.base\shm</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ObjectNameLength">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="ObjectName">
>>     </Data>
>>     <Data Name="PreviousStatus">0</Data>
>>     <Data Name="PreviousReason">0</Data>
>>   </EventData>
>> </Event>
> Once people will make use of Samba servers without persistent handles,
> they will start to see these and I'm not sure how useful that would be
> on the windows client side.
>>    *   - - - - ORIGINAL TEXT FROM METZE - - - -
>> Application Requests Creating a File Opened for Durable Operation
>>     ...
>>     -  If TreeConnect.IsCAShare is TRUE, the client MUST set the
>>        SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT bit in the Flags field. Otherwise, the client SHOULD
>>        perform one of the following:
> A windows behavior note would be useful for that case. As the 'Otherwise'
> confused me and I see no reason why a client should not ask for leases
> together with persistent handle, luckily a windows client doesn't obey that SHOULD,
> because it would mean a possible performance regression for the client.
>>          - Request a batch oplock by setting RequestedOplockLevel in the create request to
>>            SMB2_OPLOCK_LEVEL_BATCH.
>>          - Request a handle caching lease by including an SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE or
>>            SMB2_CREATE_REQUEST_LEASE_V2 Create Context in the create request with a
>>            LeaseState that includes SMB2_LEASE_HANDLE_CACHING.
>>      ...
>> Question 6:
>>   From the documentation the above is the only reference that is impacted by SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CONTINUOUS_AVAILABILITY and it seems that it implicitly disables handle 
>> caching, is that really true?
>> And SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT doesn't seem to be impacted by
>> Can you please cross-check this?
> I think something also causes the client to send tcp keepalives every 10 seconds
> and I guess that's also a side effect of SMB2_SHARE_CAP_CONTINUOUS_AVAILABILITY.
> I guess it may also influence the retry behavior on the client side
> Can you please check and document that (at least as product behavior note).
> Thanks
> metze
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