[cifs-protocol] [REG: 117070616001855] [MS-DRSR] Calling GetNCChanges with DRS_GET_TGT flag

Tim Beale timbeale at catalyst.net.nz
Tue Jul 18 20:30:52 UTC 2017

Hi Edgar,

Thanks a lot for that information. That makes things a lot clearer.



On 14/07/17 09:46, Edgar Olougouna wrote:
> Tim,
> Thank you for your clarification. I see your concern regarding a
> hanging link to an unknown object.
> Please find Section references in MS-ADTS and a link to a blog post on
> AD internals that might help. The key point is that a linked attribute
> needs to reference a physical object in the database. However,
> attribute values may reference objects in an NC for which no NC
> replica is present on the local server.
> When you have a valid dsname and the referenced object does not exist
> in the local data table, the implementation creates a valued
> representation of the object, commonly called phantom record, and the
> database identifier of that record is used in lieu of an actual object
> in the local database. This is an implementation-specific way of
> managing references to objects which the local server does not hold a
> replica.
> After source code review, the algorithms in “[MS-DRSR]
> ProcessGetNCChangesReply, and ProcessLinkValue” appear to
> reflect Windows implementation.
> Think of the DRS_GET_TGT in case we failed to apply the update because
> we had a recycled target, the client asks again for that packet to
> include updates to the link target.
> “Reference update” is one of the background tasks described in MS-ADTS
> (see link and related Sections). It helps update references,
> including when an object in the NC replica not present on the server
> is modified or deleted.
> NOTE: I found the following blog resourceful as it describes some AD
> internals on tables implemented in Windows AD. Note that the blog
> provides implementation-specific details.
> MCM: Core Active Directory Internals
> https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askpfeplat/2012/07/22/mcm-core-active-directory-internals/
> *[MS-ADTS]*
> * Reference Update
> *https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd240022.aspx**
> *References*
>   * Variable: dsname
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_4d5e1f08-aa00-4dde-9411-7dd6e09ed85a>
>   * LDAP attributes: dNReferenceUpdate
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc219845.aspx>.
>   * LDAP classes: infrastructureUpdate
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc221881.aspx>.
>   * Glossary terms: dsname, Infrastructure FSMO master, NC replica
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_325d116f-cdbe-4dbd-b7e6-769ba75bf210>,
>     tombstone
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_9d8e0963-13fa-4e19-a97f-7ce6bc90d20f>,
>     GC.
>   * IDL_DRSVerifyNames method: see [MS-DRSR]
>     <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc228086.aspx>section
>     4.1.27 <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd207886.aspx>.
>   * Well-known Objects
> In AD DS
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_2e72eeeb-aee9-4b0a-adc6-4476bacf5024>,
> attributes
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_108a1419-49a9-4d19-b6ca-7206aa726b3f>of
> attribute syntax
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_811ea26f-62cc-472e-9aca-9448831f16d8>Object
> (DS-DN), Object(DN-String), Object(DN-Binary), Object(Access-Point)
> and Object(OR-Name) can have attribute values that reference objects
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_8bb43a65-7a8c-4585-a7ed-23044772f8ca>in
> an NC
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_784c7cce-f782-48d8-9444-c9030ba86942>for
> which no NC replica is present on the server. The server does not get
> a replicated update
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_2a923099-db0a-4932-af28-4354601e85c4>when
> an object in the NC replica not present on the server is modified or
> deleted. In such a case, references to such objects will remain to an
> old dsname on the server. In order to update
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_b242435b-73cc-4c4e-95f0-b2a2ff680493>these
> kinds of references, a background task called reference update is run
> at regular intervals. By default, each reference is examined every two
> days.
> The reference update task is not run on a Global Catalog.
> If the Recycle Bin
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_54624800-58f4-45e9-90bf-c9b52dcf98f3>
> optional feature
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_785b66f1-22b3-450f-97aa-a24a39d04d47>is
> not enabled and the Infrastructure FSMO master is not a global
> catalog, then the reference update task is run only on the
> Infrastructure FSMO master.
> If the Recycle Bin optional feature is enabled, every DC
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_76a05049-3531-4abd-aec8-30e19954b4bd>that
> is not also a global catalog runs the reference update task.
> The reference update task does processing as follows:
> For each object /P/ in each NC replica on the server do the following:
>   * Let /S/ be the set of all attributes of /P/ with attribute syntax
>     Object(DS-DN), Object(DN-String), Object(DN-Binary),
>     Object(OR-Name) and Object(Access-Point).
>   * For each attribute /A/ in set /S/ and for each value /V/ of /A/ do
>     the following:
>       o If there exists an object with dsname /V/ in any NC replica on
>         this DC, then skip this value /V/.
>       o If attribute syntax of /A/ is Object(DS-DN) then let /G/ be
>         /P.A.V.guid_value/. Let /D/ be /P.A.V.dn/.
>       o Otherwise, let /G/ be /P.A.V.object_DN.guid_value/. Let /D/ be
>         /P.A.object_DN.dn/.
>       o If the Recycle Bin optional feature is not enabled:
>           + Retrieve the dsname /N/ of object with objectGUID
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc221017.aspx>
>             /G/from a GC by calling method IDL_DRSVerifyNames.
>             IDL_DRSVerifyNames is explained in [MS-DRSR] section 4.1.27.
>           + If /N/!name
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc220701.aspx>≠
>             /D/ then create an infrastructureUpdate object /I/ in the
>             well-known infrastructure update container
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_c3143e71-2ada-417e-83f4-3ef10eff2c56>(see
>             section
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223663.aspx>).
>             Set /I/!dNReferenceUpdate to /N/. Delete /I/ immediately
>             to turn it to a tombstone.
> Creation of an infrastructureUpdate object /K/ with attribute
> dNReferenceUpdate will trigger an update of all references to dsnames
> corresponding to /K/!dNReferenceUpdate, as explained in section
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223446.aspx>.
>       o If the Recycle Bin optional feature is enabled:
>           + Retrieve the dsname /N/ and the value /Vgc/ of the
>             isRecycled
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd357315.aspx>attribute
>             of object with objectGUID /G/ from a GC by calling method
>             IDL_DRSVerifyNames. IDL_DRSVerifyNames is explained in
>             [MS-DRSR] section 4.1.27.
>           + If /Vgc/ is true and attribute /A/ is a linked attribute,
>             remove value /V/ from attribute /A/. This removal is not
>             replicated to any other DCs.
>           + If /N/!name ≠ /D/ then replace value /V/ of attribute /A/
>             with /N/!name. This replacement is not replicated to any
>             other DCs.
>           + If attribute /A/ is a link value
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_659e8352-a6db-4752-8c05-4b21c602f238>and
>             the RDN
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_22198321-b40b-4c24-b8a2-29e44d9d92b9>of
>             /N/!name is a delete-mangled RDN (see section
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223480.aspx>),
>             the value /V/ is to be treated as a linked value to or
>             from a deleted-object
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_d9c9e99f-74f1-483e-bcb1-310e75ff1344>.
>             That is, the value is not generally visible to LDAP
>             <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_45643bfb-b4c4-432c-a10f-b98790063f8d>clients
>             unless the LDAP_SHOW_DEACTIVATED_LINK_OID control is used.
>           + If attribute /A/ is a link value and the RDN of /N/!name
>             is not a delete-mangled RDN (see section, the
>             value /V/ is to be treated as a normal linked value. That
>             is, the value is generally visible to LDAP clients.
> * *
> *           checkPhantoms
> *https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223316.aspx**
> This operation requests that the reference update
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_b242435b-73cc-4c4e-95f0-b2a2ff680493>task
> (see section
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd240022.aspx>) be
> immediately performed on the DC
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_76a05049-3531-4abd-aec8-30e19954b4bd>.
> During the operation, if the referential integrity on any of the
> objects
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_8bb43a65-7a8c-4585-a7ed-23044772f8ca>is
> found to be incorrect and it cannot be corrected, then the operation
> returns an error and does not process any of the remaining objects.
> This task runs periodically; on a correctly functioning DC, there is
> no need to run it explicitly. The requester must have the
> "DS-Check-Stale-Phantoms" control access right
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_42f6c9e0-a2b3-4bc3-9b87-fdb902e5505e>on
> the nTDSDSA
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc221718.aspx>object for the DC.
> No action is taken if the Recycle Bin
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_54624800-58f4-45e9-90bf-c9b52dcf98f3>
> optional feature
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_785b66f1-22b3-450f-97aa-a24a39d04d47>is
> not enabled and the operation is performed against a DC that does not
> own the Infrastructure Master FSMO.
> No action is taken if the operation is performed against a DC that is
> a global catalog.
> The type of modification can be add or replace, and the values
> specified in the LDAP
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_45643bfb-b4c4-432c-a10f-b98790063f8d>modify
> operation do not matter.
> The following shows an LDIF sample that performs this operation.
>  dn:
>  changetype: modify
>  add: checkPhantoms
>  checkPhantoms: 1
>  -
> *       Infrastructure FSMO Role*
> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223753.aspx
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223753.aspx>
> When an object
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_8bb43a65-7a8c-4585-a7ed-23044772f8ca>in
> one domain
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_b0276eb2-4e65-4cf1-a718-e0920a614aca>is
> referenced by another object in another domain, it represents the
> reference as a dsname
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_4d5e1f08-aa00-4dde-9411-7dd6e09ed85a>.
> There is one Infrastructure FSMO role per domain and application NC
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_53fee475-b07f-45e1-b4b7-c7ac0c1e7f6a>in
> a directory
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_49ce3946-04d2-4cc9-9350-ebcd952b9ab9>.
> If all the domain controllers
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_76a05049-3531-4abd-aec8-30e19954b4bd>in
> a domain also host the GC, then all the domain controllers have the
> current data, and it is not important which domain controller owns the
> Infrastructure Master (IM) role. See section
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223433.aspx>for more
> information about the Infrastructure Master.
> When the Recycle Bin
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_54624800-58f4-45e9-90bf-c9b52dcf98f3>
> optional feature
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_785b66f1-22b3-450f-97aa-a24a39d04d47>is
> not enabled, the Infrastructure FSMO role owner is the DC responsible
> for updating a cross-domain object reference
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_3ca938ae-c14f-4f59-8a7d-daca9f76db4e>in
> the event that the referenced object is moved, renamed, or deleted. In
> this case, the Infrastructure Master role must be held by a domain
> controller that is not a GC server
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_a5a99ce4-e206-42dc-8874-e103934c5b0d>.
> If the Infrastructure Master runs on a GC server, it will not update
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_b242435b-73cc-4c4e-95f0-b2a2ff680493>object
> information, because it does not contain any references to objects
> that it does not hold. This is because a GC server holds a partial
> replica
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_ea02e669-2dda-460c-9992-b12a23caeeac>of
> every object in the forest
> <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc223126.aspx#gt_fd104241-4fb3-457c-b2c4-e0c18bb20b62>.
> When the Recycle Bin optional feature is enabled, every DC is
> responsible for updating its cross-domain object references in the
> event that the referenced object is moved, renamed, or deleted. In
> this case, there are no tasks associated with the Infrastructure FSMO
> role, and it is not important which domain controller owns the
> Infrastructure Master role.
> *[MS-DRSR]*
> ProcessGetNCChangesReply
> /* Process link value updates. */
> linkValueCount := 0
> while (ulResult = 0) and (linkValueCount < msgReplyNative.cNumValues)
>   ulResult := ProcessLinkValue(
>                 msgReplyNative.rgValues[linkValueCount],
>                 msgReplyNative.pNC^,
>                 prefixTable,
>                 msgIn.ulFlags,
>                 msgIn.ulMoreFlags)
>   linkValueCount := linkValueCount + 1
> endwhile
> if (ulResult = ERROR_DS_DRA_MISSING_PARENT) then
>   Send IDL_DRSGetNCChanges message again with the same input
>    parameters specified in msgIn but this time with msgIn.ulFlags
>    containing DRS_GET_ANC field set. It is an error for this
>    condition to occur if (DRS_GET_ANC in msgIn.ulFlags) is true
> else if (ulResult = ERROR_DS_DRA_RECYCLED_TARGET) then
>   Send IDL_DRSGetNCChanges message again with the same input
>    parameters specified in the msgIn but this time with msgIn.ulMoreFlags
>    containing DRS_GET_TGT field set.
>  else if (msgIn.ulExtendedOp = 0) then
>   /* Not an extended operation. Update "watermark" information. */
>   UpdateRepsFrom(
>     rf,
>     msgReplyNative,
>      dsaServer,
>     ulResult)
>    if (ulResult = 0) and (msgReplyNative.fMoreData = false) then
>     UpdateUTDandPAS(
>       msgReplyNative,
>       msgIn.partialAttrSetEx^)
>   endif
> endif
>                   ProcessLinkValue
> . . .
>   newAttributeValue = ValueFromATTRVAL(
>       sourcePrefixTable, Syntax(attribute), replValInf.pAval)
>   targetObject := GetDSNameFromAttrVal( replValinf.attrTyp,
> replValInf.pAval)
>   if (targetObject = null)
>   if ((IsRecycleBinEnabled() and targetObject!isRecycled) or
>       (not IsRecycleBinEnabled() and targetObject!isDeleted)) then
>      if (DRS_GET_TGT in ulMoreFlags) then
>          /* nothing to do */
>         return 0
>      else
>      endif
>   endif
> if (not attributeValue = null) then
>     /* Remove the old attribute value. */
>     RemoveAttrVal(updateObject, attribute, attributeValue)
>   endif
>   SetAttrVal(updateObject, attribute, newAttributeValue) 
> . . .
> Thanks,
> Edgar
> *From:*Tim Beale [mailto:timbeale at catalyst.net.nz]
> *Sent:* Sunday, July 9, 2017 4:44 PM
> *To:* Edgar Olougouna <edgaro at microsoft.com>; 'abartlet at samba.org'
> <abartlet at samba.org>
> *Cc:* cifs-protocol at lists.samba.org; MSSolve Case Email
> <casemail at microsoft.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG: 117070616001855] [MS-DRSR]
> Calling GetNCChanges with DRS_GET_TGT flag
> Hi Edgar,
> >> Request more detail in case of cross-partition target
> We understand that it requires implementation-specific behaviour to
> resolve an unknown target object when the linked attribute spans
> partitions. This was answered for us in 117060115827644.
> >> Target object is only recycled, as opposed to Target-object is unknown
> >> (linked-attribute and you don't know the target, you send DRS_GET_TGT)
> This is what I'm confused about. I inferred from the MS_DRSR Docs that
> the client uses DRS_GET_TGT if it receives a linked attribute with an
> unknown target object. However, the answers we received for
> 117060815865307 seemed to imply that DRS_GET_TGT is only used if the
> target object is deleted/recycled (as opposed to simply being a
> new/unknown object). Could you please clarify this - should the client
> use it in either case, or is it only the deleted/recycled case where
> the flag is actually required?
> >> Implementation-specific statement regarding client using DRS_GET_TGT
> Basically it's the following block of code in
> ProcessLinkValue() that I find confusing/misleading.
> targetObject = GetDSNameFromAttrVal( replValinf.attrTyp, replValInf.pAval)
> if ((IsRecycleBinEnabled() and targetObject!isRecycled) or
>     (not IsRecycleBinEnabled() and targetObject!isDeleted)) then
>     if (DRS_GET_TGT in ulMoreFlags) then
>         /* nothing to do */
>         return 0
>     else
> endif
> I don't think the proposed Docs change for 117060815865307 makes this
> any easier to understand. Documentation-wise, I think there's room for
> the following minor improvements:
> 1. Section 3.4.5 describes the ! notation. However, I couldn't see
> anything that describes what happens if the object specified by the DN
> doesn't exist. I would assume the attribute returned would be null.
> 2. If the target object doesn't exist, the current code looks like the
> block will fall through and add a hanging link to an
> unknown object. Is that the intended behaviour? A comment stating that
> would be nice.
> 3. If there is other implementation-specific behaviour in the
> block, then a comment stating "The actual behaviour here
> may be implementation-specific" would be nice.
> 4. I also just noticed the above block is missing an endif.
> Thanks for your help,
> Tim
> On 07/07/17 04:51, Edgar Olougouna via cifs-protocol wrote:
>     Please provide any additional write-up as necessary. We will
>     review this and follow-up.
>     Implementation-specific statement regarding client using DRS_GET_TGT
>     Request more detail in case of cross-partition target
>     Target object is only recycled, as opposed to Target-object is
>     unknown
>     (linked-attribute and you don't know the target, you send DRS_GET_TGT)
>     Thanks,
>     Edgar
>     _______________________________________________
>     cifs-protocol mailing list
>     cifs-protocol at lists.samba.org <mailto:cifs-protocol at lists.samba.org>
>     https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/cifs-protocol
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